BACK TO SCHOOL: South Seattle College welcomes Promise program participants

(WSB photo)

What began as the 13th Year Promise at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) is now more like the 13th and 14th Year Promise, and this year’s participants are getting ready to start their SSC studies. But first, the traditional group photo, and SSC’s announcement of their arrival:

South Seattle College welcomed the incoming class of Seattle Promise Program scholars today with a two-day “Summer Bridge” orientation to help the recent high-school graduates prepare for the transition to higher education. Seattle Promise provides up to two years of tuition coverage and the personal guidance students need to succeed in college.

The 141 incoming Seattle Promise scholars come to South from Chief Sealth International, Cleveland, West Seattle, and Rainier Beach high schools. They officially begin their higher-education journey on Monday, Sept. 23, with the start of fall quarter.

In 2018, Seattle Colleges partnered with the city of Seattle and Seattle Public Schools to launch Seattle Promise, a scholarship program focused on providing college access, success, and completion with the overarching mission of building a local thriving, college-going culture that creates a workforce ready for our region’s careers.

The program, informed and inspired by South Seattle College’s 13th Year Promise Scholarship established in 2008, expanded in reach and impact with the passing of the Families and Education levy in November 2018. In 2020, Seattle Promise will expand to accept graduates from all seventeen Seattle public high schools.

As explained here, the financial component of the program involves “(f)ull coverage of any tuition expenses remaining after other scholarships and financial aid.” The program expansion was part of the levy passed by Seattle voters almost a year ago.

2 Replies to "BACK TO SCHOOL: South Seattle College welcomes Promise program participants"

  • Jethro Marx September 11, 2019 (7:22 pm)

    Outstanding! The value of our college should not be misunderestimated. I am a proud Otter such that I barely consider myself a Husky now, though their excellent teachers certainly helped me get into UW. Of course, I have mixed feelings now, apple cup-wise, as I lived in Pullman while my parents went to school in the 80s. I am pretty sure that every person would support free college if they felt the promise one feels when speaking to students who barely made it in on the margins and cannot believe their luck.

    • John marvin September 12, 2019 (11:12 am)

      A wild bushism appears! 

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