(SDOT map of original project zone)
Another alert from SDOT, this time for the half-mile of 35th SW where sidewalks were built last year. The project team says, “We have some final repair work to do on 35th Ave SW – some due to the snow/de-icing damages and … concerns and problems that emerged after project completion. Our crews will be returning to 35th Ave SW this coming Monday, 5/6 for up to two weeks to complete final repair work along the corridor. This work will be fairly low key and will not require complete closures or staging of equipment.” Here’s what they’ll be doing:
Crews will return to 35th Ave SW as early as this coming Monday, May 6 to begin last part of repair work as part of the Arbor Heights Safe Routes to School sidewalk project. This work includes:
Rebuilding curb bulbs at the following locations:
o SW corner of 35th Ave SW and SW 100th St
o SW corner of 35th Ave SW and SW 104th St
Rebuilding the curb and gutter on the west side of 35th Ave SW between SW 102nd St and SW
106th St
Install fog line (line that delineates between vehicular travel lane and parking strip) along the
west side of 35th Ave SW between SW 100th St and SW 106th St
Hydroseed planting strip area along east side of 35th Ave SW between SW 102nd St and SW 104th
StThis work will take approximately 2 weeks to complete. During this work, you can expect:
Noise and dust from construction
Work hours from 8 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Friday
Temporary suspension of street parking on the west side of 35 th Ave SW between SW 100 th St
and SW 106 th St
o No-Park signs will be posted 3 days in advance to parking closure
Temporary detour and/or lane shift on 35 th Ave SW
Possible impacts to pedestrian access
King County Metro service will not be impacted by this workQuestions? Please contact Project Outreach Team at 206-615-0786 or by email at