At the Highland Park Action Committee‘s regular meeting this past week, the group followed up on its special Riverview Playfield gathering two weeks earlier:
PLAYFIELD PROTECTION: The issue is figuring out what would be the best way to keep vehicles off the playfield, where some drivers do donuts on the grass in the warm months, on the snow in wintertime. Recently chain-link fencing suddenly appeared, much to residents’ surprise; Seattle Parks explained that the idea went back to the Find-It Fix-It Walk two years ago. But Parks quickly got the message that it wasn’t welcome, and so now the neighborhood is talking about options for replacing the 100+ old creosote-contaminated utility poles that currently serve as a low barrier between parking and playfield. The conversation at the meeting will continue this week, and interested neighbors will be looking at other parks for ideas, as well as considering CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) ideas, before HPAC talks abaut it again next month.
EVENTS: Much happening in Highland Park and vicinity. Corner Bar at HPIC on May 3rd; neighborhood cleanup May 4th; Art Lounge at HPIC on May 10th; the annual wine fundraiser Uncorked at HPIC on May 18th. Two West Duwamish Greenbelt walks of interest, too – bugs on May 4th, “Walking on Native Land” with Ken Workman on June 1st. Looking way ahead, a Labor Day weekend bike ride on August 31st will also celebrate history, as HPIC marks its 100th anniversary.
MAY MEETING: May 23rd – also previewed here – HPAC will get a Highland Park Way/Holden update from SDOT and will talk more about the proposal to merge HPAC with Riverview and South Delridge.