(See legend on PDF version of map here)
If you have a question about SDOT‘s ongoing West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway work, the department has just announced it’ll be tabling at this Saturday’s High Point Play Area dedication:
Please join us at the High Point Play Area, 6920 34th Ave SW, for its Opening Celebration on Saturday, March 23, from 2 to 4 PM. We’ve partnered with Seattle Parks and Recreation to include in our plans a bike path connecting the play area and Walt Hundley Playfield with our future greenway. The event will feature a bike and helmet decorating station and an artwork booth where you can help us design a public art installation.
Phase 1 Update:
We’ve made some great progress on the Phase 1 route of the greenway and expect to complete it as soon as summer.
Here’s what we’ve accomplished so far:
*Speed humps along 30th Ave SW, 34th Ave SW, and SW Kenyon St
*New pedestrian refuge island at the intersection of SW Trenton St and 30th Ave SW designed to increase safety and to encourage more people to walk and bikeStill to come:
*Crossing improvements
*Route signagePlease visit our website for an in-depth project update.
One major upcoming feature is a signal at 35th/Graham.
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