(WSB photo from last week’s open house)
Sound Transit is extending its “scoping period” for commenting on the West Seattle to Ballard light-rail project. That’s according to an email announcement sent today to the project’s Stakeholder Advisory Group. The timeline for decisionmaking is NOT going to be extended, the SAG was told, but the current “scoping period” for comments is now going to remain open until April 2nd. As noted in our daily highlight list, one more “open house” (third and final in the series that started last week in West Seattle) is planned, downtown tonight; you also can get your commnts into the official record:
*Via the online open house
*Email: wsbscopingcomments@soundtransit.org
*Voicemail: 833-972-2666
*Postal Mail: West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions, c/o Lauren Swift, Sound Transit, 401 S Jackson St., Seattle, WA 98104
Two meetings in West Seattle next week will feature ST reps and are open to all:
*Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council, 7 pm Monday (March 11th), Pathfinder K-8 (1901 SW Genesee)
*Delridge Station Community Workshop, 6:30 pm Tuesday (March 12th), Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW)