BIZNOTE: Second West Seattle location for MOD Pizza

Found in city permit files: MOD Pizza, the Seattle-headquartered chain that opened in The Whittaker a year ago, is adding a second West Seattle location. It’ll be at Westwood Village, with a space including the former Giannoni’s Pizzeria spot; the “site plan” document shows the rest of the space as the current Baja Taco, though the same building includes the closing-soon Payless Shoes.

28 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Second West Seattle location for MOD Pizza"

  • Eric1 March 8, 2019 (12:13 pm)

    Mmmmm.  I am salivating right now.  Fast and tasty pizza made the way you want it.  Hopefully it doesn’t get nixed by the evil McDonald’s like the Panda Express did.  I mean, McDonald’s is only good if there isn’t anything else to eat so I can see why they don’t like competition. 

    • ACG March 8, 2019 (1:04 pm)

      Really?  How did Mc Donaldā€™s do that?  I hadnā€™t heard that before. 

      • CAM March 8, 2019 (2:05 pm)

        Retailers in malls occasionally have clauses in their lease which prevents the owner of property from renting a portion of the same development to a competing retailer in the same market. This is why Amazon ran into issues when they tried to start selling Alexas and similar products in Whole Foods locations. I’m not saying it applies here because I don’t know the circumstances referenced above but it is not an atypical clause in the retail business. 

  • CM March 8, 2019 (12:16 pm)

    SO excited to hear this!!!

  • Buttercup March 8, 2019 (12:34 pm)

    Was there a Panda Express in Westwood Village?

  • West Seattle Hipster March 8, 2019 (12:58 pm)

    Nice to see a viable and healthy business moving into the Village.  

  • Theresa - Highland Park March 8, 2019 (1:33 pm)

    This is great news! For a chain restaurant, they’re pretty good.     

    • Trickycoolj March 8, 2019 (5:24 pm)

      Founded in Seattle, headquartered in Bellevue. Support local business right? 

      • Sam-c March 8, 2019 (8:27 pm)

        That’s what people used to say about Amazon……

        • Speed March 9, 2019 (3:44 am)

          Sam,I suggest you google “Mod pizza impact hires”… It just might change your mind about them being another Amazon. I believe they even have an ad campaign about this.

  • NYC style pizza March 8, 2019 (3:31 pm)

    Another kudos and sigh for the departure of Giannoni’s.  Still miss it.

  • Treehouse March 8, 2019 (4:16 pm)

    I donā€™t know how Westwood Village isnā€™t extremely successful… they have SO much free parking!

    • Lagartija Nick March 8, 2019 (6:51 pm)

      Ooh, I love this comment so much! Thanks for the chuckle.

    • KM March 8, 2019 (8:02 pm)


  • KT March 8, 2019 (4:23 pm)

    Another pizza place?  Good luck competing with Proletariat Pizza! 

    • QQ March 8, 2019 (4:40 pm)

      Proletariat is overpriced hipster garbage!! If you’re looking for something fast and cheap with a salad, MOD is the way to go. 

      • Deftones March 8, 2019 (6:17 pm)

        Iā€™m a Proletariat fan but the hipster comment made me chuckle 

      • Jethro Marx March 8, 2019 (6:20 pm)

        Yikes. People can be a bit funny about pizza, but you’re just being an @#$%&*. I think Proletariat and MOD are both pretty tasty, but since the pizza from Big Time Brewery took a downward turn Proletariat is just about my favorite. For the big American style pizza, obviously. If we’re talking Napoli, it’s more of a toss-up but Mioposto is damn good. MOD is good, but not great. One would be excited about MOD at an airport, I think. But as to your claim, individual custom pizza with grungy toppings and the requisite gluten/dairy/cruelty-free options is much more hipstery than a pretty classic pies/salads/videogames kind of parlor. But I guess you probably have some personal problems with Proletariat.

        • QQ March 8, 2019 (7:37 pm)

          LOL! Struck a nerve, huh? 

          • Jethro Marx March 9, 2019 (4:00 pm)

            Well, maybe, but then my nerves are pretty numerous and random: when people order food by saying, “I’ll do the…”; people who complain about bicyclists too much; people who complain about traffic but choose to live in a city; the overproliferation of (faux) “reclaimed wood” in design; people who say their pets are “fur babies”; the general overestimation of our impact on the environment; people who say, “If you don’t vote you can’t complain.” (quite easy I find); dehumanizing people who aren’t like you but do turn out to be human; the phrase, “LOL” when, no you didn’t; BBQ sauce on pizza; I mean, I could go on and on. But your logic about price/value was kinda shaky too, and poor arguments always bother me, even though I know logic only takes us so far. Enjoy your pizza.

      • So Many LOLs March 11, 2019 (1:16 pm)

        Haha! I don’t know if I would call Proletariat garbage, but I’m not a big fan and definitely think it’s overpriced for what you’re getting (and the fact it’s called PROLETARIAT). Glad to see I’m not the only

    • My two cents ... March 8, 2019 (6:32 pm)

      @KT Different market/geo locations … 

  • Anne March 8, 2019 (6:53 pm)

    To each his own-I like Mod Pizza & am really happy one will be at WWV. Would love to see more upgrades -lots of potential there.

  • Seatowjesse March 8, 2019 (7:59 pm)

    Excited for Mod Pizza to head South! Now, how about a Red Robin? Or something similar? 

  • AJ March 8, 2019 (8:58 pm)

    This is awesome news! Love MOD (and Proletariat, lol)! I’ll be happy to have another great lunch option while I run errands at WWV. 

  • NW Mama March 9, 2019 (10:31 pm)

    Lov mod. Is it just me or is Westwood terribly empty and depressing these days?  Hope their rent is 1/2 price as there is nothing else drawing me there. 

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