(Photo tweeted by @seattlespu and @mayorjenny accounts, unidentified location)
To recap before night’s end, here’s the newest info from Seattle Public Utilities, via its newest update and questions to which we obtained answers via email:
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SATURDAY: If you are a Monday, Thursday, or Friday customer, and you haven’t been picked up yet, keep your garbage bins out tomorrow. SPU adds, “We will also attempt to collect Thursday and Friday customers’ recycling and food/yard waste” continuing on Saturday.
Tomorrow, you can also drop off trash (no recycling or food/yard waste) 10 am-3 pm at West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW).
And all weekend, delayed-pickup customers can also take one carload or truckload (420 pounds maximum combined weight) of trash/recycling/yard waste to a transfer station. The nearest is South, 130 S. Kenyon, and it’s open 8 am-5:30 pm Saturday and Sunday.
IF YOU’RE A TUESDAY CUSTOMER: If your recycling was missed this week and wouldn’t normally be picked up again until a week from Tuesday, SPU’s Sabrina Register told us in response to our question – put it out anyway: “Tuesday customers whose recycling was not picked up last week should set out their recycling cart this coming Tuesday, Feb. 19th. Crews will attempt to pick up all recycling that was not picked up from Tuesday customers last week.”
ABOUT THAT CREDIT: If you missed two pickups, whether you’re a Monday or Tuesday customer, you don’t have to report it to SPU to be eligible for the $10 credit, Register says.