SNOW AFTERMATH: Extra time to prioritize projects you think should get Neighborhood Street Fund money

The recent snow hit right in the middle of the prioritizing process for what those map markers represent – proposed Neighborhood Street Fund projects, first mentioned here three weeks ago. So today, there’s word the city has extended the deadline, and also rescheduled a snow-canceled meeting in our area. You now have until Friday, March 1st, to rank the 20+ projects in West Seattle/South Park that are up for a share of the grant money – just go here. And/or – if you want to help do that ranking in person, you can go to South Park Hall at 6:30 pm next Monday (February 25th).

4 Replies to "SNOW AFTERMATH: Extra time to prioritize projects you think should get Neighborhood Street Fund money"

  • Jimmy February 19, 2019 (1:46 pm)

    I wish I could vote for Ferry Ave. SW between the confluence of SW Massachussetts St. and intersection with California Way SW.  This is a main route for many Admiral residents walking, biking and driving to and from the water taxi and is in terrible shape, eroding on both sides, narrow and in desperate need of sidewalks, lighting. & safety signage.It looks like I missed the boat on phase 1 community input to select potential sites for the project and will have to wait another couple years.  Happy to now know that this program exists though!

  • chemist February 19, 2019 (7:15 pm)

    Some smaller upgrades may be possible through Your Choice, Your Voice, although submissions are due by the 22nd.

    • JIMMY February 25, 2019 (12:40 pm)

      Thanks! I’ll take a look.

  • pdid February 19, 2019 (8:06 pm)

    2 brandon street sidewalk proposals? 

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