(Black Turnstone in flight, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Midweek! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide, your Wednesday highlights:
LOW-CODE APP DEVELOPMENT MEETUP: 6 pm at West Seattle Coworking (WSB sponsor):
This Meetup is for people of all skill levels, from all backgrounds, to come together and learn the powerful art of low-code app development. We’ll spend a couple hours each Meetup exploring real world applications of PowerApps, Power BI and Microsoft Flow. Come by and get your hands dirty creating cross-platform apps for your personal lives and business needs.
(6040 California SW)
HIGHLAND PARK WAY/HOLDEN CHANGES: As previewed here, SDOT is coming to Highland Park Improvement Club meeting at 6:30 pm to talk about the changes planned for this intersection while the city continues to seek funding for a roundabout. All welcome. (1116 SW Holden)
WORDSWEST LITERARY SERIES: 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), Bruce Beasley, Suzanne Paola, and Carol Guess are this month’s featured writers. More info in our preview. Free! (5612 California SW)
THE BILLY JOE SHOW: 8 pm at Parliament Tavern – local favorite!
The Parliament is a 21+ venue. (4210 SW Admiral Way)