Where will West Seattle’s light-rail stations be? Feet First walk-and-talk on Tuesday

As reported here a week and a half ago, the second of three levels of light-rail-route review has concluded and what’s known as the Golf Course/Alaska Junction/Tunnel proposal is under the microscope. A big part of the decisionmaking process involves station siting – and that’s a focus of a walk-and-talk tour you’re invited to join tomorrow. In case you haven’t already seen it on our calendar or heard about it some other way, we’re publishing this reminder tonight. The tour organizers at Feet First describes the plan as follows:

Join King County Council Chair Joe McDermott, Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, Sound Transit officials, and community leaders for a walking tour of proposed Sound Transit Link light rail station sites in West Seattle.

This event, sponsored by the pedestrian-advocacy group Feet First, will visit Link light rail station site alternatives at West Seattle Junction, Avalon, and Delridge.* Sound Transit is currently evaluating and gathering public input about station siting alternatives at these locations.

Sound Transit’s final selection of where the stations will go has big implications for how West Seattle will evolve over the coming decades, hopefully fostering the development of vibrant and walkable communities. On this walk, we will discuss trade-offs between the various site alternatives and how to ensure good walking access to the Sound Transit light rail system.

* the Delridge portion of the walk is optional.

You can RSVP here – the walk starts at Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska) at 4:30 pm and if you’re along the whole way to Delridge, discussion is planned afterward at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW).

26 Replies to "Where will West Seattle's light-rail stations be? Feet First walk-and-talk on Tuesday"

  • CAM October 15, 2018 (10:40 pm)

    I know it’s getting dark early which would prevent this at this time of year, but I really wish they’d do stuff like this at a time when people who work outside of West Seattle all day (those most likely to use the light rail) could be available to attend. As it’s scheduled now I’d have to leave work almost 2 hours early to make sure I made it on time.

    • CAM October 17, 2018 (9:08 am)

      WSB, did you cover this tour? I’d love to hear about what was presented and discussed. I saw one photo on Facebook that was posted by the Junction which showed the attendees as all appearing to be at least late middle-age which is what I’d expect for the time of the tour but is still disappointing.

      • WSB October 17, 2018 (9:57 am)

        Had hoped to but couldn’t. Speaking as a person in what would probably be considered late middle age, I have to ask, what’s wrong with people of my age? Meantime, in case it’s not the same photo, we tweeted a wide-view photo Lora from WSJA sent us. Sorry I can’t directlink at the monent, we’re out checking on things.

        • Michael Taylor-Judd October 17, 2018 (12:14 pm)

          I’m happy to talk about what happened during the Walk… And the WSTC (along with Feet First?) would also be happy to organize another one if folks are interested in possibly a weekend option?

          • CAM October 17, 2018 (1:38 pm)

            A weekend option would be great Michael. I’d love the opportunity to participate.

          • KS October 17, 2018 (6:42 pm)

            Hey Michael Taylor-Judd,, Could you share what happened on the walk and which path is most favored at this point? The blue or red line?

        • CAM October 17, 2018 (1:38 pm)

          Absolutely nothing at all wrong with individuals in any age range I was more so talking about what looked like a lack of diversity in the attendees. At some of the ST events I’ve attended I’ve had people who are older comment that they are unlikely to be regular users of the light rail by the time the extension gets built and thus I would hope that younger individuals would be getting involved.

  • Rb October 16, 2018 (12:29 am)

    Very good point. I wish they would think of those things.

  • 26er October 16, 2018 (8:47 am)

    Soooo, how much are they paying these homeowners who have the light rail going through their property?

    • KBear October 16, 2018 (9:22 am)

      26er, obviously there’s no answer to that question yet. You can’t know the amount of compensation until the route is finalized and you know precisely which properties and what their current value is.

    • Mike Lindblom October 16, 2018 (10:25 am)

      With rare exceptions, Sound Transit lacks the power to buy land until the final route is chosen and completes an environmental statement. People in Youngstown probably won’t be dealing with condemnation appraisers and agents for another four years or so. I don’t live there so can’t predict whether the timeframe brings relief or more anxiety to homeowners. FWIW, some landowners on the Northgate-Lynnwood route weren’t bought out until 2017 or eight years after voters passed Sound Transit 2.

  • how convenient for you October 16, 2018 (11:35 am)

    As one of those projected to be bought out – I want to thank all of west seattle train riders who need to make their commute easier at my expense. And I am now trapped in property that I cannot sell due to your vote to run a train through my home. I have ZERO faith that STP will negotiate ‘fair market value’. And to all the WSB armchair warriors, please do not share how wonderful you think that process will be. And certainly do continue to prioritize your commuting convenience over your neighbors having affordable housing and pretend that they can buy back into WS at the 650K median price.
    But please stop with the pretense that this is a diverse community that cares about affordable housing while you have approved tearing it down.

    • hj October 16, 2018 (12:50 pm)

      As someone whose in-laws are currently going through an eminent domain process for transit in another city, you had my sympathy.

      But then you lost it when you started blaming your fellow citizens. This isn’t about “commuting convenience”; it’s about making a more green, livable city for everyone. This city’s infrastructure didn’t come from nowhere, some work has to be done. If you want to see that you’re in good company, look at history photos of Seattle and look at the swaths of neighborhood destruction made in the name of creating roads and highways.

    • Karen October 16, 2018 (3:05 pm)

      As soon as the route is confirmed and you know that you will be in eminent domain contact a good attorney who has helped others in your situation in Seattle. I got a referral through our realtor. We were told to gather our neighbors and negotiate as a group. You don’t have to accept the first offer without some give and take. We were told that ST wants to move this a!omg and will be willing to work with you.
      We aren’t there yet but my anxiety level went down after getting some advice.

      • Me Too October 16, 2018 (3:44 pm)

        If the tunnel option is chosen then I am facing eminent domain. Can I ask who you were referred to for attorney services?

        • Karen October 16, 2018 (7:09 pm)

          If you Google it you will find several law firms and independent attornies. Most are downtown. I hesitate to name anyone because you need to work with someone comfortable to you. Call and ask for someone who has been working with homeowners in the Northgate and Lynnwood line.

  • Dawson October 16, 2018 (12:34 pm)

    Wow, so based solely on rough structure count in that picture, close to 100 buildings are impacted with this route. Assuming they’re all houses, which isn’t the case, but for this math will be assumed. Given a current median price of 650k, which seems low, and factoring a 6% annual appreciation in the house value over five years, also low based on the last decade in Seattle, fair market value would be close to a million a house for the time period ST would condemn the property. I’m still finding it hard to grasp that the Pigeon tunnel adds 1.2 billion in cost given its length and sole use scenario. Plus another 700 million for the golf course, which is essentially marginal park land taking a 100 ft right of way there ends up being 3.5 acres (100ft x 1500ft) . So almost 200 million an acre acquisition and construction cost. That’s rich.

    I want the light rail, but honestly this routing seems to disrupt the most those that would directly benefit.

    • Tony October 16, 2018 (3:41 pm)

      A lot of those single family homes on 25th and 26, are now six or eight townhomes. Each worth about $750,000. $$$$$$$$$$$$$

      • Dawson October 16, 2018 (4:19 pm)

        Exactly. Seems like this option easily passes $100 million for the houses. Have to assume the office building and businesses go as well. Does that expense now make the pigeon tunnel a better option? Oh wait that got pulled off the table.

        • CAM October 16, 2018 (4:34 pm)

          ST has already provided rough estimates of the number of displacements that will occur for each alignment. The different cost projections for those alignments took into account the need to purchase affected properties. Also, the tunnel options don’t eliminate the need to purchase properties. ST has said that in some cases they would be required to purchase the land on top of the tunnel. And the Pigeon Ridge tunnel was not a good option for a variety of reasons.

  • Tony October 16, 2018 (3:36 pm)

    I live in Youngstown Flats. The neighborhood between 25th and 26th Ave., Southwest, where they show the real going through is currently in a development boom. They’re tearing down all the single family homes and building townhomes. So, it looks like they’ll be tearing down five-year-old houses, to make way for the light rail. I wonder if they’re planning on tearing down the DSHS and kidney Center building, on the corner of Delridge and Dakota.

    • 26er October 16, 2018 (11:08 pm)

      I have heard that NW Kidney Center is planning on moving in the next few years anyway. Near South Park I believe.

  • Mj October 16, 2018 (3:42 pm)

    Times sure have changed, growing up by SeaTac Airport during the expansion thousands of homes were bought out. My recollection is that people grumbled but moved on without making a huge fuss after being paid market rate and moving expenses.

    • Mike October 17, 2018 (12:22 am)

      Ya, back when Seattle was one of the affordable cities to live in, when you could buy a house with less than one year of income. Now you’re lucky to buy a cheap house that’s 10x your income. There is a difference.

Sorry, comment time is over.