Three more West Seattle Crime Watch reports from the WSB inbox tonight:
STOLEN BLACK HIGHLANDER: Maybe you can do for Jill what Kathy did for Patsy earlier today – find her stolen car. Jill’s 2013 black Toyota Highlander with a black cargo box was stolen just over the line in White Center tonight, near the roller rink. “It was pretty much out of gas, so I hope it didn’t go too far,” Jill says. Plate BEC5570. Call 911 if you see it.
CAR WINDOWS BROKEN: From David in Gatewood:
I live on SW Webster Street (3700 block), and we came out to go somewhere at around 3 pm, and saw that someone had broken the driver’s side window on our red Forester that we park in front of our
home. After a cursory cleanup, we drove up the street and saw that at least one other car had gotten the same treatment — broken window, glass on the street. Nothing was taken, they just broke the window. So for those of you tracking that sort of thing, it’s still happening.
CAR PROWL: From Jerry in Seaview:
Our car was prowled sometime last night or early evening today. It was locked, so no idea how the perp got in. Some change was missing and no damage. 5900 block of 46th between Raymond and Juneau. Be aware!
Something for Crime Watch? Report it to police (911 if it’s in progress!), and then to us, so all your WS neighbors can be aware – – thank you.