(Southern Resident Killer Whale J19, photographed last month in the North Sound by Kersti Muul)
What can you do to help save the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales from extinction? That’s a topic every time The Whale Trail hosts a gathering – and next one is tomorrow (Tuesday, October 2nd) night:
Tuesday October 2nd, 7:00 – 8:30 — Doors open at 6:30
C & P Coffee Company, 5612 California Ave SW
$5 suggested donation at the door; kids freeCelebrate Orca-tober with The Whale Trail! The SRKW will make their seasonal return to local waters this month. Join us to hear updates on the SRKW, Gov. Inslee’s Task Force, and the road ahead on the The Whale Trail! Bring a dessert to share. Hope to see you there!
Whale Trail executive director Donna Sandstrom is a member of the Task Force, which released its draft report a week ago and is taking comments for another week – read the report here; comments are being taken here.
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