West Seattle businesses: Great Harvest closing in The Junction

Thank you for the tips. That note on the door of Great Harvest Bread Co. in The Junction (4709 California SW) confirms it’s closing. Since it’s closed on Tuesdays, there was no one there to talk with when we went by a little while ago, but the note says:

To all of our wonderful and loyal customers:

After 16 1/2 years in business the time has come for us to hang up our aprons. Due to doubled rent in 2017 and personal family reasons, our family must move on to the next chapter in our lives. We appreciate each and every one of our customers. We have met some amazing friends during our years in West Seattle. We will miss you and we can’t say thank you enough for supporting our family-run business. As we close our doors, it is time for another family-run business to take over and serve this wonderful community. Stay tuned for the details to come.

Friday, September 21st, will be our last day of business. Again, thank you all for EVERYTHING!!!

The Pals Family

Though Great Harvest is a chain, as explained on the West Seattle store’s website, they have operated under a “Freedom Franchise,” explained as “we get to run our business in a way that meets our community’s unique needs.”

58 Replies to "West Seattle businesses: Great Harvest closing in The Junction"

  • Airwolf September 18, 2018 (11:09 am)

    Sad to see them go, New Pizza place?

    • Jamma September 18, 2018 (2:52 pm)


      • Beckyjo September 18, 2018 (3:20 pm)

        Ha ? Rude!

        • JR September 18, 2018 (6:00 pm)

          Not rude at all. “We don’t have enough pizza places” has been a longstanding joke since every other restaurant that opens in WS is ANOTHER pizza place. 

          • 98126res September 19, 2018 (8:11 am)


  • Shannon Holt September 18, 2018 (11:41 am)

    So sorry to hear this! I have loved coming in over the years to buy your amazing baked goods and to chat about our kids growing up. The Junction won’t be the same without you. You have given so much to the community over the years – thank you!!! I’m sure this decision was a hard one. Best of luck to you as you move on to the next chapter. 

  • bolo September 18, 2018 (11:44 am)

    Doubled rent? That would push most out. Unless it was abnormally low to begin with. Will its neighbors soon follow?

  • RayWest September 18, 2018 (11:47 am)

    That’s unfortunate. While it would be nice if another family-run business replaced Great Harvest, considering the rent was doubled in 2017 and will likely continue to rise, I don’t see how a small business can afford to operate in the West Seattle Junction.  The space seems rather small for another bar/restaurant, so it will be interesting to see what replaces Great Harvest (hopefully not another pizza place).

  • CoolBreeze September 18, 2018 (12:26 pm)

    So very sorry to read of this.  My kids and I l have loved coming in for bread and treats over the years.  It’s been a favorite.  You will be missed.

  • ACG September 18, 2018 (12:50 pm)

    Oh no!  I am so sorry to hear this news. You will be missed!

  • ANW September 18, 2018 (12:53 pm)

    I’m especially going to miss your gluten free options. Thank you for your friendly service over the years!

    • Dawsonct October 3, 2018 (11:55 am)

      You’re in luck.

  • NW September 18, 2018 (1:01 pm)

    Hope all goes well for the owners with your family and change in routine. Having lived here my entire life never once bought from this establishment I priced a loaf of bread here and sure it is delicious and quality but paying upwards of $8.00 for one is far to expensive for me as well as there cookies and other baked items. I am a frugal consumer and generally find shopping local equates to paying double, which I don’t not choose to pay. 

  • BJG September 18, 2018 (1:09 pm)

    So sorry to see you go. The heavenly aromas of your baking bread was our great pleasure. It drew us in, but you kept us coming back. The rising rent and the burden of doing business in Seattle caused us to move our WS company to central Washington years ago. The commute is long, but there was no way forward here. Hope you find your new chapter as fulfilling as Great Harvest has hopefully been.

  • Susan September 18, 2018 (1:18 pm)

    An end of an era for sure. My son, who just turned 13, has been coming to Great Harvest his entire life. We still call it “The Breadstick Place” for the free breadsticks that were given to kids. It fooled him for a long time, but both of my kids have opted for the huge cinnamon rolls for the past several years. I’m sorry to see GH go. Good luck to the family in their future endeavors!

  • Matt September 18, 2018 (1:36 pm)

    Bummer–my girls and I loved going there for lunch. Great soup and sandwiches. Also appreciated all the GF options.

  • Yma September 18, 2018 (1:36 pm)

    My initial reaction – Oh No!doubled rent – woof.  What makes West Seattle, West Seattle – is changing. I guess it has over the last couple of decades – just seems at a faster pace now.

  • ericak September 18, 2018 (1:36 pm)

    I am so sorry to hear this – we have been loyal customers for over a decade . . . we have watched your family grow and you ours.   We wish you the best and thank you for all of the incredible memories, delicious treats, and thoughtful conversation over the years.  You will be missed.

  • I'mcoveredinbees September 18, 2018 (1:49 pm)

    Very sad about this. We are losing the flavor of the junction. It should be illegal to double rent! The employees were always kind and friendly. We will miss the gluten free “Gobbler” a lot. 

  • Swede. September 18, 2018 (1:52 pm)

    That really sucks! With a doubling of the rent I can definitely understand it though. Except now both rents and house prices have started to go down, and even the big, ‘recognized’/’respectable’ financial companies also starting to prepare for the coming economy dip/crash… so it might be an empty spot for awhile. 

  • coffeedude September 18, 2018 (2:02 pm)

    Shows that landlords are greedy.  

    • WS Guy September 18, 2018 (2:31 pm)

      Or that they are dealing with massive property tax increases and regulation. 

      • Nolan September 18, 2018 (3:32 pm)

        Do you have some specific regulations in mind that are particularly onerous to landlords?As for property tax, that’s the card that fanatical anti-tax advocates dealt us by making a progressive state tax illegal in the state constitution. If you want to reduce that burden on homeowners and businesses alike, I welcome your participation in the effort to amend our constitution to right a wrong that hurts everyone except the super-rich.

        • wscommuter September 18, 2018 (3:55 pm)

          @Nolan … Amen!

        • JulNJer September 19, 2018 (1:56 am)

          Most recent onerous landlord laws in Seattle: 1. Not allowed to do crminal history search on applicants or even ask if they have a criminal background. Yes this includes sex offender status. 2. Move-in costs cannot exceed one month’s rent. This includes security deposit and credit check. 3. Terminating a lease is only allowed under extremely limited circumstances.4. If you need to remodel for preparing to sell or just to increase value of your investment, you must pay relocation costs for existing tenant(s).5. The First in Time law where you have to take the first qualified applicant is off the table for now but the city is preparing to file an appeal so…6. RRIO is the ordinance that requires landlords to register their rental with the city then pay a fee to have the city inspect their property for habitability.There are more, but these are just off the top of my head.

          • Nolan September 19, 2018 (5:57 pm)

            1. How do you expect people to reintegrate into society when they’re punished for having done their time?

            2. Why should landlords be able to require multiple months of rent upfront?

            3. Which circumstances? All of my previous landlords have had all the power here, being able to break their contract at any time (compliant with eviction law) but charging me 2 months rent to do the same.

            4. Your “investment” does not matter as much as the lives of the people who depend on it. If you want to take it away, it’s basic fairness that you help out the people you’re taking it away from.

            5. How is it a bad thing that you don’t get to discriminate amongst the people who can pay rent and deposit?

            6. My hometown has a serious problem with slumlords because they *don’t* have stringent requirements around habitability. “People have died from complications caused by black mold” serious problems. Again, your investment is not worth more than the lives of the people who depend on

            I’m eager to hear more if you have them.

            Going by https://westseattleblog.com/2018/09/followup-flying-apron-to-take-over-great-harvest-space-in-west-seattle-junction/, y’all might have jumped on the anti-government bandwagon a little prematurely in any case.

          • Dawsonct October 3, 2018 (12:09 pm)

            Fairly certain sex offenders have their very own, very public registry. If you are a landlord and don’t want to rent to a sex offender, it’s fairly easy to avoid.

            Otherwise, you’ve serrved your time as the community has deemed fit. If an individual doesn’t feel the need to divulge every single aspect of their lives, that is their right as citizens.

        • Dawsonct October 3, 2018 (12:03 pm)

          Absolutely agree. Americans in general, but Washingtonians specifically, need to stop sacrificing everything to protect the interests of the astoundingly wealthy. It’s ruining our state and Nation.

      • Jort September 19, 2018 (12:03 pm)

        If you’re going to blame “property taxes and regulation” for businesses closing, to what can we attribute the opening of so many new businesses? Businesses open, businesses close. It might be perhaps presumptuous to assign blame to the “clowncil” for everything. Unless, of course, you’re equally willing to give them credit for every new business that’s opened, too. 

    • wscommuter September 18, 2018 (3:55 pm)

      Perhaps greedy or perhaps savvy.  It depends on what the market will bear.  If they get a new tenant who’ll pay that rent, are you saying they shouldn’t be allowed to make whatever money they can?  Would you do your job for lower pay just to preserve the status quo, or do you seek the highest possible wage for your service?  Don’t get me wrong – I hate losing businesses I like to patronize.  Still mourning the loss of Alki Cleaners.  But the market drives these decisions and excoriating landlords is easy, but probably unrealistic and a tad unfair, unless you’re willing to forego your own income increases to maintain the status quo. 

    • My two cents ... September 18, 2018 (8:02 pm)

      @COFFEEDUDE market will determine if the rent is too high.  I think the comment of “greed” is a knee jerk reaction. What is your threshold of what constitutes “greed”? Anything over 3%?  Or maybe 10%? 50%? Or is it that I forgot that people that invest their money and assume the risk are limited in their return? Calling them “greedy” is the easy way out compared with actually addressing the root causes.

  • I. Ponder September 18, 2018 (2:27 pm)

    Sorry to see them go. I have been a regular customer. Excellent food and people.

  • Barb Vadakin September 18, 2018 (3:13 pm)

    So sad darn it!!!  You guys have been great community members  and I am sorry to see you go.

  • Hungry4Bread September 18, 2018 (3:46 pm)

    I’m so incredibly sad! Great Harvest was my favorite place for GF/DF breads and treats ANYWHERE. I wish they could sell their business (and recipes) so Great bread could still be found in the Junction. Personally heartbroken.

  • WS Native September 18, 2018 (4:02 pm)

    Very sorry to see them go.  About a year ago my daughter wanted to apply to work there but they said the rent had doubled so they would not be hiring much.  Loved the cinnamon chip bread.  Best of luck on your next adventure.  

  • JayDee September 18, 2018 (4:06 pm)

    This is really sad news, though I understand the reasons for making that call.  I was among the first customers and refused the bread card because I wanted them to make it without accepting freebies. Great everyday bread that would last 2+weeks on the counter without going moldy. It would be great if another local baker could take the property over but nothing will replace Irish Soda Bread and the Dakota bread IMHO.  I guess my sourdough loaf is my last GH West Seattle bread… :-(

  • Nicole September 18, 2018 (4:21 pm)

    Oh no!!!!!!  They have the best whole wheat bread, cinnamon rolls and best of all, whole wheat cinnamon chip bread that we’ve been buying weekly for the past 10 years.   I am literally devastated.  Whaaa!!! :(

  • Craig September 18, 2018 (4:29 pm)

    Super sad. Here’s hoping they build the world’s smallest condominium complex there. 

    • WSB September 18, 2018 (4:55 pm)

      Lest anyone misinterpret that comment – there is NO redevelopment proposal for that parcel.

  • Wayne September 18, 2018 (4:57 pm)

    Sorry if this is answered somewhere, but do we know who/what owns the building?

  • EBM September 18, 2018 (6:15 pm)

    Your treats, bread and excellent service will be greatly missed! Best of luck on your next chapter.

  • fiz September 18, 2018 (7:12 pm)

    I’m crying.   Love you guys, your boys, your sweet family.

  • Nicole September 18, 2018 (8:50 pm)

    Are they taking requests for last type of loaves? I hope they are reading as I tried to call w/o answer.   I will buy at least 10 loaves of cinnamon chip bread.  And their whole wheat burger buns are the best.  I’d like to stock my freezer. 

  • Morgan September 18, 2018 (9:24 pm)

    So sorry to see you guys go! You have provided great sandwich and soup lunches for myself, my wife Allison, and our manager Patrick for years. Nooooooo! :( I wish you all the best of luck on your next adventure and we’ll be sure to grab lunch as much as possible before your last day this Friday. 

  • 98126res September 19, 2018 (8:10 am)

    Such a great place… enjoyed many Avocado BLT’s and complimentary slices of delicious bread!  Will miss your place terribly.  Just relax… Best wishes for your future.

  • Villagegreen September 19, 2018 (8:36 am)

    Looks like the the McNary’s who live on Mercer Island own the property. For some reason I always assumed Jack from Husky Deli owned that whole side of the block. 

  • Clamdigger September 19, 2018 (12:02 pm)

    I don’t need to eat gluten-free but I love their GF cookies, and they always confirmed my order when purchasing said treats with a chicken salad sandwich on regular wheat bread. :) Super nice people, always exceptionally friendly. You’ll be missed!

  • wsn00b September 19, 2018 (4:05 pm)

    Nooooo!!!This was our go to sandwich place. The bread and sandwiches are so good.The first restaurant/cafe outing for both of our WSEA born kids was Great Harvest! This is the first WSEA closure I’m truly sad about :( Is GH going to relocate anywhere in the greater SEA area? I’d drive to wherever you relocate.

  • phil dirt September 19, 2018 (5:30 pm)

    Wait until the viaduct comes down. 

  • MIG September 19, 2018 (9:03 pm)

    This is sad news. Although we aren’t GF, we loved their GF breads and other goodies — and it was our go-to place when our kids had friends coming over who were GF since it was really the only place in town where we found good GF+vegan eats. Plus their breads generally were amazing and it was such a homey place to go into. My kids would just sit in the corner and read, which is  a rare treat to have for kids in a place.  My kids were so sad when I gave them the news.  Thank you for all the great food and memories.  Best of luck to you and your family on your next chapter!

  • JW September 19, 2018 (10:12 pm)

    Nooooooooooooooo! As a Montana transplant, Great Harvest has always been a reminder of home. And their GF breakfast sandwiches have been a longtime favorite. Sad news. 

  • Anne September 23, 2018 (8:06 am)

     Having just returned from a trip,  I’m late to reading this sad news and want to extend my thanks to the Pals family and employees for years of delicious healthy products, friendly service, and good coffee.    I’ve been eating only GH bread and buying their flour for over a dozen years.    I’ll miss this bakery so much, it has such a nice ambiance, reminded me of grandparents’ kitchen.     It’s becoming more difficult here for a family business like this to thrive, but I hope to see you open a new organic bakery somewhere else nearby,  with that slamming screen door, wood floors, and farmhouse tables.  

  • Cathy September 30, 2018 (4:46 pm)

    I’ve been going there for years. Any suggestions on where I can buy a good loaf of whole grain bread?

  • Dawsonct October 3, 2018 (12:20 pm)

    There are franchises located in Bellevue/Factoria, and in the Lake Forest Town Center.
    They haven’t exactly disappeared from the planet.

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