(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:06 AM: Good morning. No incidents reported in/from West Seattle so far.

STADIUM ZONE: Mariners play the Angels again, 7:10 pm, and that means another night of extended West Seattle Water Taxi service.

5 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday watch"

  • sam-c June 12, 2018 (9:49 am)

    Any idea why 99N is not moving? (asking for a friend headed to a meeting)

    • WSB June 12, 2018 (10:04 am)

      Just checked our aggregated traffic alerts (SDOT, WSDOT, online 911, etc.), nothin’, sorry. From recent trips downtown, we can attest to the backups lasting well into the 10 am hour on weekdays, though! Yikes!

      • run_dmc June 12, 2018 (11:04 am)

        Hi – I can see the WS bridge from my vantage point and looks backed up all the way to Fauntleroy, and this is at 11:00 am.

  • hj June 12, 2018 (10:54 am)

    10:50: Stalled car on crest of  bridge blocking left lane

  • Katie June 12, 2018 (5:39 pm)

    Lower bridge has been open for 20 minutes in the middle of afternoon rush hour.

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