(Barrow’s Goldeneyes, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Lots happening this Saturday – including these highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
TAI CHI AT THE BEACH BEGINS! 9 am at Alki Beach, the first scheduled session of the year! By donation. Meet by Statue of Liberty Plaza. (61st SW/Alki SW)
BENEFIT RUMMAGE SALE: 9 am-3 pm at Hope Lutheran, second and final day of the mega-rummage sale to benefit missions to Mexico. (42nd SW/SW Oregon)
SOUTHWEST LITTLE LEAGUE JAMBOREE: Team photos at 8 am, opening ceremony 11 am, first game noon at Steve Cox Memorial Park. (1321 SW 102nd)
WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL @ SAFECO FIELD: Not only do you get into Safeco Field for free, you get to watch West Seattle High School‘s baseball team! 12:30 pm vs. Mt. Si. (1250 1st Ave. S.)
PRINCESS ANGELINE SPRING TEA: The annual benefit tea at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse in West Seattle, 1-3 pm. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
DISASTER SKILLS CLASS IN VIETNAMESE: 1-3 pm, free class in disaster skills, taught in Vietnamese, no preregistration necessary, High Point Library. (35th/Raymond)
CAKE POP-UP: 3-6 pm, drop by BAKED Custom Cakes in Admiral for a pop-up show by Rat City Studios, showing and selling ceramic cake cups and cake stands. Bites by BAKED! Admission free. (2604 California SW)
TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL BOARD DIRECTOR: 3-5 pm at High Point Library, drop in to talk about school-related issues with Leslie Harris, who is president of the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors and representative for West Seattle/High Point. (35th SW/SW Raymond)
DUWAMISH ROWING CLUB FUNDRAISER: 6-10 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, enjoy a chili dinner, silent auction, guest speaker, and more, to support this area’s only rowing club. Details in our calendar listing. (1116 SW Holden)
WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIE: ‘Time Is Money’ is this month’s movie – a documentary about timebanking, which is flourishing in West Seattle thanks to the WS Timebank. 6:30 pm social time, 7 pm movie at Neighborhood House High Point, followed by discussion. All welcome. More info in our calendar listing. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
TOM BERGHAN & JUBA: Live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), “music from when America was young.” 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
THE FLASHBACKS: 8 pm at Great American Diner and Bar in The Junction, with classic sounds. No cover. (4752 California SW)
THAT’S NOT ALL … see our complete calendar for even more of what’s happening today, tonight, beyond.
P.S. Most events are sent to us well in advance for calendar inclusion (editor@westseattleblog.com) and we won’t necessarily get word if outdoor activities are changed at the last minute because of weather like today’s … so apologies in advance if you encounter anything like that!
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