10:48 PM WEDNESDAY: We don’t know what exactly Guardian One was doing flying a long track back and forth – north to south and back again – over the peninsula for a while this past hour, with a couple smaller circles in different spots, but the scanner’s been absolutely quiet in the area, so, given that and the fact the focus wasn’t on any one spot, we’re fairly certain it wasn’t related to anything happening out there currently. (We even headed out on the ground to check, but didn’t find any spots of activity.) Flight-tracking software shows it has since headed north, then east, and is now over the Eastside. Though Guardian One works with law-enforcement departments all over the area, it belongs to the King County Sheriff’s Office, so we’ll check tomorrow to see if there’s anything they can tell us about the mystery flight.
ADDED THURSDAY AFTERNOON: Thanks to KCSO’s Sgt. Ryan Abbott for checking into this for us. He forwarded the reply from Air Support: “We were flying patrol, no call or anything significant.”