5 PM UPDATE: In what was originally reported as a case of mail theft – the mail WAS taken, but by a neighbor who meant well.
West Seattle, Washington
18 Saturday
5 PM UPDATE: In what was originally reported as a case of mail theft – the mail WAS taken, but by a neighbor who meant well.
Ugh! I’d call him something worse than un assuming.. but I know what you are saying. But, for you.. Santa needs you to get a locked mailbox! Too easy for everyday theft, not just on vacation hold.
Wow what a brazen theft. Hopefully he got some bills!
With such a good video I hope the cops catch him and the prosecutor puts him behind bars and then he has 80 hours of litter clean up duty after release
Why does the west seattle post office have such a difficult time with simple stuff like vacation holds and mail forwarding. I use both multiple times a year and it’s always, ALWAYS a cluster. Seriously, I’d like to know if problems like those are typical system-wide or just with that office. How could I find that out. I certainly can’t find out from them, believe me, I’ve tried.
Nice to see that they recognized their neighbor who was trying to help them. So much for being a good guy.
I just talked with him and as it turns out, it was the mail carrier who mentioned to him that mail was piling up at the neighbor’s house and if he knows them, maybe he could hold onto it for them. (I don’t know why the mail carrier wouldn’t be empowered to hold onto the mail and leave a note for the residents instead … I think there’s some kind of followup there.)
I was thinking this might be a neighbor…he just didn’t look like a thief.
As for the USPS not putting their mail on hold that happened to us a couple of times, we did the hold online and both times it never happened. ??? we learned from those 2 experiences to just have a family member stop by everyday.
Is this April 1st? Poor guy getting this publicity for being a good neighbor.
I think a nice bottle of wine or some nice baked cookies would be a great way to thank your neighbor. It’s great to have neighbors you know looking out for your house when you’re away. We are fortunate to know our neighbors, and we all pick up packages for each other if we know the neighbor isn’t home. That’s what awesome neighbors do for each other. Try it sometime. You’ve already got one awesome neighbor- now meet the others. I promise, it’ll be fun.
A concerned relief carrier talked with a neighbor who then picked up the mail.
Oh wow! So very happy it turned out different (and better!) as for what Eddie and waikikigirl said about the post office.. a couple years back I wasn’t getting any mail for almost 2 weeks, and I kept complaining and calling the Westwood Station (because the manager at the time was very unconcerned and rude about all the spotty service and misdeliveries, an already ongoing problem). He wouldn’t help me. Finally I came home one day to an overstuffed AND mail left hanging out on top of my locked mailbox
^^^ and I found out that a man a few blocks over with the same house numbers as mine, just different street had a vacation hold on his mail, but Westwood P.O. held my mail instead AND he came to pick up his mail after his vacation and had all of my mail in his possession! That was dangerous!! Again, no apologies or explanation of how two totally different addresses, names and streets were messed up and my mail held instead of his. Wasn’t too happy that my mail sat exposed outside in a pile until I got home. Not even the courtesy to hold it at Westwood once the vacationing guy returned it to them, they should’ve called and told me to come pick up my mail but just dumped it all at my locked box. (Btw, the Westwood Village P.O. problems still continue. It’s been bad for years. I am still getting other people’s mail and packages every few weeks!)
So sorry to this helpful neighbor. We help our neighbors out when they have boxes left on their porch. They also let us know when they are on vacation and if anybody should be at their house. It is nice when neighbors keep in touch with one another about this stuff.
My question how did his picture end up on this site? Does it automatically go to the site because you have that kind of doorbell? It obviously was not sent by the homeowner as they were not home.
Yes, the original report and video were sent by the homeowner. These systems are accessible remotely.
Sorry, comment time is over.