If you’re looking for babies/children’s clothing at big discounts, a closing sale is on at the Westwood Village Carter’s store, which tells us it’s closing January 8th or when it’s out of inventory, whichever comes first. The impending shutdown isn’t entirely a surprise – back in October, when we reported on two businesses opening at WWV, a commenter noted that it appeared the Carter’s store space was for lease. We weren’t able to confirm closing plans at the time, and it fell off our followup list, but today, after Jon forwarded us an e-mail newsletter containing the one-line alert “Your Carter’s at Westwood Village is closing soon!”, we renewed our efforts and got the confirmation. Management says they have already stopped receiving new items, so it’s a clearance sale of what’s on hand. The store opened in April 2014. No word yet on what’s next for the space, which has been offered either alone or as a potential combination with the two empty spaces north of it.
West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday