(WSB reader photo by Candace from Christmas Ship’s past visit)
As we continue assembling this year’s WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide – we’ve received this announcement of a brand-new West Seattle holiday event, a fun(draiser) for the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. Reservations required, and the announcement explains how:
If you have ever wanted to watch and listen to the Argosy Christmas Ship Cruise in comfort and hang out with some super-awesome people, please join with us for “Seasonal Sounds On The Sound” at Harbor Park Condominium complex, 1727 Harbor Avenue SW, on Saturday, December 9th, 2017!
This 21-and-older event is from 3 pm – 6:30 pm and includes live holiday music on site, beverages, and food, along with a FRONT ROW seat for the Argosy Christmas Ship stop along Harbor Avenue!
This hosted holiday fundraiser benefits the SW Seattle Historical Society.
You may know about the Log House Museum on Alki Beach, but there are many other things that our local historical society does to promote the heritage and history of this area. (Most recently, think “We ❤ The Junction” campaign which successfully landmarked both the Campbell and Hamm buildings at the Alaska Junction, “Words, Writers & West Seattle” on the first Friday of each month at Barnes & Noble, ongoing school assembly programs, and more.)
A suggested donation of $50 per person is appreciated and will be a wonderful opportunity for you & a date to ring in the holiday spirit and still leave time to enjoy other holiday activities that day!
Details below – and remember… all proceeds benefit the SWSHS! Space is limited so RSVP by emailing director@loghousemuseum.info right away!
While “Seasonal Sounds on the Sound”is a special one-time only event, December 9th is one of two days this season with Christmas Ship stops off the West Seattle shore – three stops that night, one stop on December 14th, all listed on our calendar and on the official Christmas Ship website.
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