Four more West Seattle Crime Watch notes:
PACKAGES TAKEN: The video is from Zuned, who says this happened at 62nd SW/SW Admiral Way at 1:38 pm today, recorded by his security camera:
We had a package theft (Wednesday) from the front porch of our apt. building across from Shell/McDonald’s in Gatewood between 9-4. It was a Rock’n Ride Blue Castle Grow with me Pony Ride on Rocker, Bouncer convertible to spring horse. It was for the Grandson’s first birthday. Honest. I have my own.
STOLEN CAR FOUND IN GARAGE: A vacant house near 31st SW/SW Roxbury that was sold less than a week ago had something unexpected in the garage on Wednesday – a stolen car. We obtained the report on this incident after a neighbor’s tip today. Police found the car when another neighbor called them to report seeing an unfamiliar red ’90s Honda Civic in the house’s garage. It turned out to have been stolen from Renton, and for reasons not specified in the report, police here were already on the lookout for it. It was in the process of being taken apart, and it was impounded in multiple pieces.
PROWLER IN ADMIRAL: Ryan reports seeing a prowler targeting cars in the 50th/Prince area and then going into a house or yard at 51st/Grayson around 10 am today: “He was wearing a blue jacket, black pants, appeared to be Asian and about 45-50 years old.” Ryan says he called police three times but did not see officers respond; a report was eventually logged for “suspicious circumstances.” If your car or house was broken into in that area today, be sure to file a police report (and if you have, please let us know too).