Thanks to Olivia for the tip – she saw the sign by The Swinery‘s door while passing by en route elsewhere. We checked it out, and here’s what’s up: The sign is an alert that if you walk in, you might be filmed by Lando Productions. They tell us they’re working on a new Food Network show – so new, it doesn’t even have an official title yet (and they’re not at liberty to disclose its working title). The crew is one of two working in different regions to gather footage – they’re on the West Coast, another is in the Mountain Time zone. They’ll be there again tomorrow and possibly part of Wednesday. The only impact to customers is that sandwiches and fries won’t be available today until after 1 pm because the crew is working in the area where those are prepared. Otherwise, the shop (3207 California SW) is open.
West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
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