(U.S. Navy photo: EA-18G Growler landing on a carrier in 2014)
We don’t always get advance alerts about military aircraft in the area, but we just got one for tomorrow so we’re sharing it. This is in a media advisory from the Museum of Flight, which as you probably know is not far east of West Seattle [map]:
Three frontline Navy EA-18G Growler electronic attack jets will fly to the Museum on Oct. 12 to preside over the donation of a 10-foot aircraft carrier model to the Museum. The model will be presented by the officers of VAQ-130 Naval Air Station Whidbey Island to the Museum’s Education Office. The aircraft will arrive at 11 a.m. and depart at 2 p.m. One of the Growlers will be stationed in the Museum parking lot with crew members standing by to meet the public. The other two planes will be parked next to the Museum’s airport fence. The event is free.
The advisory included this background, if you’re interested:
The aircraft carrier model is of the crew’s ship, the USS Eisenhower (CVN-69). It was built by the officers from VAQ-130 for a booth at the annual NAS Whidbey Island Airborne Electronic Attack Ball, where each Growler squadron contributes a booth that includes interactive games or displays of squadron pride. This year, VAQ-130 squadron built the carrier, jokingly referred to as “Low Cost Trainer” for the pilots because it includes a zip line that allows a model plane to be landed on the deck. Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Jones, VAQ-130, said of its donation to the Museum, “We think it will be a great addition to the education department at the museum, and hopefully inspire some young future naval aviators!”