As far as we know, this is the final West Seattle forum before ballots are due on August 1st – tomorrow (Tuesday) night, the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council hosts 12 of the 15 candidates for the two citywide City Council positions on the primary-election ballot. Seven people are running for Position 8 (incumbent Councilmember Tim Burgess is not) and eight people are running for Position 9 (incumbent CM Lorena González among them). Here’s who has RSVP’d, as sent by DNDC chair Mat McBride:
Position 8:
Charlene Strong
Sara Nelson
Sheley Secrest
Teresa Mosqueda
Hisam Goueli
Mac McGregorPosition 9:
Ty Pethe
Ian Affleck-Asch
David Preston
Eric Smiley
Lorena González
Pat Murakami
It’s happening 7-9 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club (1116 SW Holden), and the format is simple – each candidate gets 5 minutes to make her/his pitch. Then you get to talk with them one on one. Even if you don’t want to do anything but listen and leave after that first hour, McBride’s pitch to you: “I’ve said this before, but nothing, nothing is more impactful than showing up. You cannot disregard a community that shows up. Let’s be that community.” All ages welcome.
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