Another West Seattle park has a major tree-cutting project ahead. 24 acres of Puget Park, in the West Duwamish Greenbelt east of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), will be thinned starting later this summer, and an informational event is planned this Saturday for anyone who wants to find out more. The project is explained extensively here, including this summary:
… Beginning in mid-August after the primary bird-nesting season, professional crews will carry out a restoration prescription to thin red alder and bigleaf maple up to 30% and create small gaps in the canopy to allow more light to the forest understory where underplanted conifers await favorable light conditions. We have no mandate to sell any timber, and no wood will leave the site; the intention is for the larger wood to become nurse logs. The crews will also enhance wildlife habitat through retention/creation of snags and build habitat piles with excess slash material. Activities also include weeding and major replanting of tree seedlings over the 24 acres + 16 additional acres lying to the south. With more light and subsequent replanting of 10,000 native tree/shrub seedlings, we expect this effort to let the remaining trees grow big and healthy that remain for future generations. …
Here’s a map of the project area. The project open house/site walk is scheduled from 10 am-1 pm Saturday (July 8th) starting at the Chan Education Center on the north side of the SSC campus (6000 16th SW; here’s a campus map). It will include a presentation at 10:30 am and a site walk at 11:30 am. Questions? Michael Yadrick at Seattle Parks – – is the person to ask.