11:34 AM: Until 3 pm, you’ll find Gwen and Muriel at 36th SW and SW Dakota [map], selling treats and collecting donations for the Seattle Humane Society for the fifth year in a row. You have three ways to help – buy some of their baked goods; donate items for the animals (dog/cat food, wet or dry; toys; new scratching posts); donate money for the Humane Society (cash or checks). The girls have done this every year since they were Schmitz Park 4th-graders; this fall, they’ll be Madison Middle School 8th-graders. (Thanks to Gwen’s mom Andrea for the photo taken as today’s event got under way.)
8 PM: Andrea sent this update on the results:
Heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful people who came out to support the bake sale today, and to the West Seattle Blog for promoting it.
Through the sale, these wonderful young women raised over $532 for Seattle Humane Society, as well as over 100 pounds of dry food, dozens of cans of wet food, and many many animal toys.
Thanks so much for everyone’s support!
Congratulations to Muriel, Gwen, and the beneficiaries of their hard work!