Comments on: Learn how to help when harassment happens: Anti-Hate Alaska Junction, local minister present ‘bystander training’ Sunday West Seattle news, 24/7 Tue, 20 Jun 2017 16:02:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: HappyOnAlki Tue, 20 Jun 2017 16:02:17 +0000 Fish Barrel — none of that sounds much like “de-escalating” to me —

By: BJG Tue, 20 Jun 2017 15:51:34 +0000 After years of working in healthcare settings where patients and families and intruders have been out of control, aggressive, and threatening, I know this. That moment is not the time to debate a point of view. Don’t escalate an argument. Get yourself and the victim as far outside of the agressor’s range as you can. Get help. You can stand and fight or object to the irrational hate talk, but you will not win. The Portland Max train is the latest example. Good people were tragically lost while doing their best.

By: momof3boys Tue, 20 Jun 2017 15:48:40 +0000 Wow FISH BARREL – overreact much?  I don’t see what you’re “deciphering” in Concerned WS Family’s post.  They are right to be concerned, none of us wants to be a bystander when someone is being attacked, verbally or physically, but a smart, thoughtful person is concerned about the reaction of the mentally ill person, or someone under the influence.  Either of those situations can have a huge effect on the strength of that person, among other things.  And “any knob can tell whether an attacker is a childish heckler or potentially-armed attacker…”  really?  That is just patently false, and a very dangerous assumption IMHO.  

That all being said, you are certainly allowed to disagree with me – but hopefully you can reign back the vitriol and respond with graciousness.  Attacking those who disagree with you?  Not cool, and not “you’re better than that, because our city is better than that. ”  I agree, I want to be better.  You weren’t.

By: Double Dub Resident Tue, 20 Jun 2017 11:33:17 +0000 @fish barrel, 

The last paragraph of your little rant is either filled with logical fallacies and projection, by making up stupid hypothetical scenarios and protecting them onto someone as fact, or you’re omniscient. I’m thinking the former.

Also, it’s easy to talk tough sitting behind a computer screen and not the actual event this occurred 

By: Fish Barrel Tue, 20 Jun 2017 06:14:12 +0000 Really, @”Concerned WS Family”?  Here’s how I decipher your question: “I haven’t been trained, so I’m going to allow the racist attack of a fellow passenger to un-defended”. You know what? You’re better than that because our city is better than that. We now know how bad it can get. Any knob can tell whether an attacker is a childish heckler or potentially-armed attacker, yourself included. You know what, though? All people respond to grown men and women yelling the truth at them.

If there are racists, shout them down. If there are mentally ill attackers hiding behind racism, shout them down. The reason the Portland tragedy happened is because the train emptied when the attacker went ballistic. “What could I have done?” You could have stood with the brave few who tried to save the unfortunate victims. The attacker can’t stab everyone, and the overwhelming presence of all the adults on a train car would have undoubtedly deterred the first molecule of his violence.

Stop being a baby. Violent attackers don’t deserve to live among us. Tell them that with the volume you save for the people who decided to buy out the building where your hot yoga class used to meet 3 times a week. Go after them with the fervor that you had for the gluten-free bakery that introduced “lite gluten” for people who are just faking ciliac disorder and tainted the cookware. Fight them with all the anger that you have for the day care that dared use over-the-counter sunscreen on your daughter when they went to the aquarium on that field trip. Unleash just like the time you were commenter number 3764 on the CNN comment thread the Thursday after the last presidential election. You sure told them then, tell off a racist on the bus next time you have the chance.

By: Yeah that's easy Tue, 20 Jun 2017 05:45:57 +0000 Yeah, that’s easy. How about yelling, “I don’t remember thinking it’s cool to be a racist”. Or, maybe, saying something like, “If I went after your mom and sister like that, would that be christian?”. One of my favorites, “You are not welcome here, so see yourself out”. Of course, all shouted with the amount of alarm that would get interested movie-goers to evacuate a crowded theater.

By: Concerned WS Family Tue, 20 Jun 2017 03:03:34 +0000 Maybe after the workshop, WSB could publish both some phrases/behaviors where the bystander “intervened with force” to support the “targeted person” but unfortunately escalated the situation, as in Portland incident, as well as sample recommended phrases/behaviors that the bystander could use, in addition to “being a presence”?  Also, how would you know you are “overreaching”?  Not everyone can attend a workshop.  Thank you very much.
