10:44 AM: Above, that’s Fauntleroy Creek volunteer Dennis Hinton with students from Genesee Hill Elementary, one of more than a dozen schools releasing salmon fry into the creek this spring. Before release season is out, creek steward Judy Pickens tells WSB, volunteers will have worked with about 750 students from all over our area. This is all a followup to a big day in January when volunteers delivered salmon eggs to local schools, who started learning about the life cycle by nurturing them until the fry are set free. More photos later!
11:54 AM: Added:
Shortly after arrival, there’s always a briefing. And of course, the stars of the show are along for the ride:
The GHES students also got to meet EarthCorps volunteers who are working this week in nearby Kilbourne Ravine:
From left, above, are EC’s Nathan, Imani, and Ellen.