11:36 AM: That’s Gov. Jay Inslee reading a letter from first-graders at Highland Park Elementary during his visit this morning. They asked if he would consider more money for their school because they need it for afterschool programs, playground equipment, and supplies including pencils. “Can you please think about it and get back to us?” they concluded. The governor was there to talk about education funding, as well as to tour the school:
(L to R with governor, First Lady Trudi Inslee, HPE assistant principal Sharon Stone, principal Chris Cronas)
We got a few minutes to speak with the governor; among other things, he says he expects to sign the “levy cliff” bill – which will alleviate some of the current public-education-funding crisis – within a few days, as soon as it arrives on his desk. We’ll be adding to this story later, including video and more photos.
ADDED MONDAY EVENING: The governor spoke with students, including a sort of quick quiz on civics:
He looked in on what they were working on:
And he read from a book he and Trudi wrote and illustrated for their grandchildren:
Then a few minutes were set aside to talk with reporters – our photographer and two TV crews.
The governor said he expects the school-funding situation to be resolved this year. And he said it’s vital for kids like the students at Highland Park – many of whom need extra support at school because of trauma in their lives outside school: “These kids deserve schools that function.”