That’s the “packet” (also viewable here, PDF) with graphics and information for the next project to be reviewed by the Southwest Design Review Board – the mixed-use building proposed for 2715 California SW, which gets its first review this Thursday night at 6:30 pm (Senior Center/Sisson Building, 4217 SW Oregon). This is the phase known as Early Design Guidance, which focuses on project aspects such as the building’s size and shape. The architect is Clark Design Group, which summarizes the project as:
… a four-story mixed-use building with 48 residential units over ground floor commercial
use (2,404 square feet.) There are 1½ levels of below-grade parking for 46 vehicles that is accessed from the alley. There is a roof terrace garden and green house for residential amenity use.
This is the same block (across from Hiawatha and West Seattle High School) where the PCC Natural Markets (WSB sponsor) site is set for redevelopment into a much-larger mixed-use building with 108 apartments and a commercial space in which PCC will be the lone tenant.