(Photo courtesy Genesee Hill Elementary)
Congratulations to the lone West Seattle team to make it into the finals of this year’s Seattle Public Library Global Reading Challenge – the Literature Lions from Genesee Hill Elementary! The finals are at the Central Library downtown, one week from tonight, Tuesday, March 21st. The LLs’ semi-final-winning session was one week ago, but we’ve been waiting for the official list of citywide finalists from SPL following the eight rounds of semi-finals, and just got it:
Genesee Hill
Literature LionsBailey Gatzert
Global GangLowell
Reading Rock Star PandasJohn Muir
Readers and RoarersSand Point
Mutant SquirrelsGraham Hill
Blue PandasThurgood Marshall
Who Are We Again?Leschi
Leschi Boom ReadersLoyal Heights
Pink Porcupines
To compete in the GRC, described as a “Battle of the Books” for fourth- and fifth-graders, they read books from a specified list (here are this year’s books) and answer questions about them. After on-campus and regional competition, the finalists emerge. Here’s the list of all schools citywide that participated in the GRC this year. If you want to go cheer for Genesee Hill in the finals, it’s open to spectators, no admission charge, 7 pm next Tuesday; the downtown library is at 1000 4th Ave.