Thanks to Robert Spears for the photos of the Russell Investments building displaying its 12, as seen from West Seattle.
That of course is for tonight’s playoff game at the CLink, with the Seahawks vs. the Lions at 5:15 pm. Here on the peninsula, here’s what’s happening:
GET FIT WEST SEATTLE: First group run at 8 am today – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor); details of the free training program are in our calendar listing. (2743 California SW)
CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING: The Rainbow Girls‘ annual fundraising Christmas tree recycling dropoff event is 9 am-1 pm in the parking lot at the Masonic Center in The Junction. By donation. (40th SW/SW Edmunds)
FREE CLASSES: Open House at Innate Vitality in Fauntleroy, with free classes noon-3 pm. (4509 Wildwood Place)
TWEEN TAKEOVER AT THE Y: 6:30-9 pm, free to nonmembers and members alike, part of the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) expansion grand opening celebration – details here. (36th SW/SW Snoqualmie)
WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIE: See and talk about “Promised Land,” a new documentary about the Duwamish and Chinook Tribes’ quests for restoration of treaty rights.
Doors open at 6:30, film at 7, optional facilitated discussion afterward. At Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. Free; donations accepted. (6400 Sylvan Way)
GIBBOUS MOON WALK WITH THE STARS, OWLS, AND OTHERS: 7 pm at Lincoln Park, nature walk with naturalist Stewart Wechsler. Details on his website. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
PATRON APPRECIATION NIGHT: Free fun at Kenyon Hall – but you do need a reservation. 7:30 pm – more info in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
THE ESOTERICS IN CONCERT: 8 pm at Holy Rosary Church. “For the first concert of its 24th season, The Esoterics will celebrate the centennial of African-American composer, conductor, and professor, Ulysses Kay.” Advance tickets available online. (42nd SW/SW Genesee)
SOULFUL SONGWRITING … is the theme for tonight’s 8:30 pm bill at Parliament Tavern. $5 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
WEST SIDE GLORY: 9 pm at The Skylark, “West Seattle’s Quarterly Somewhat Queer Variety Show returns in 2017 with a THEME show – and that theme will be the late, great David Bowie!” More info in our calendar listing. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
AND EVEN MORE … for tonight, tomorrow, and beyond, on our complete calendar page!