Southwest Indoor Tennis Center: Next move on Monday, and you’re invited

(Bird’s-eye view “schematic” of proposed tennis center)

Interested in the proposed Southwest Indoor Tennis Center? Find out what’s next on Monday (August 8th), 7 pm, at the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall (9140 California SW). Following up on a meeting two months ago at which the “feasibility analysis” was presented, this time the “market analysis” will be made public. The tennis center is a community-led proposal that’s been in the works for four years (this FAQ has more backstory); supporters envision building a structure over the tennis courts that are on Seattle Public Schools-owned land west of Southwest Pool. Questions? Contact Lisa – the community member who’s been leading the project.

10 Replies to "Southwest Indoor Tennis Center: Next move on Monday, and you're invited"

  • Oakley34 August 4, 2016 (2:51 pm)

    Nope.  Keep the outdoors outdoors.  Keep public funds out of this project.  That said I look forward to the results of the (i believe at least partially) publicly funded feasibility analysis.

  • they August 4, 2016 (4:16 pm)

    Years ago down the street from Nickelsville Tennis World was built. It started out with a bang then fizzled after a couple of years. I’m ok with the concept but not with public money. I’m tapped out…   

    • WSB August 4, 2016 (4:43 pm)

      Whatever that was, I can only find an online reference to “Tennis World of Seattle” having been declared insolvent in 1982. So that’s been a while.

  • Scottt August 4, 2016 (5:36 pm)


    As a past (not present) tennis player, I still support this.   While I agree about keeping the outdoors outdoors, Seattle is not conducive to that 9 months a year.  The biggest indoor tennis facilities are private and expensive, and kids (who could learn this game and play their whole life) have few options.

  • Patrick Wieczorek August 4, 2016 (7:18 pm)


  • Heather August 4, 2016 (9:39 pm)

    I also think it’s awesome!

  • Joey August 4, 2016 (10:41 pm)

    Currently tennis in seattle is only for the rich. We really need this indoor facility to make the great game of tennis available to everyone.

  • Jake from State Farm August 5, 2016 (12:20 am)

    Oakley, here is your opportunity to take up tennis! It might improve on your out look of life. ;^)

  • Jon August 5, 2016 (7:11 am)

    Seattle Parks nearest indoor courts are at the always packed, depressingly ugly, dank and dismally aging  Amy Yee Tennis Center in Rainier Valley.  Further away is the newer Sand Point indoor facility.

    It would be a wonderful and much used addition to West Seattle.  I am biases, growing up in West Seattle  and playing varsity tennis at Sealth in the sixties, it was near impossible for year-round practice.  The closest facility was an inflated roof facility somewhere in Bellevue that we could only afford at night after 10PM.

    I would prefer parks money be spent on backlogged maintenance and additional facilities such as this rather than devoting time and moneys to the acquisition of  additional properties (the Myer’s Place Greenspace, now homeless camp, being prime example). 

  • jay August 8, 2016 (11:03 am)

    i drive by those courts on a daily basis and they are rarely used. 

    i stay keep them outside uncovered, i prefer that park money spent renovating existing parks.

    the roof is very high and way too bright, this building if built really needs some camouflage and great plantings around it.

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