West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
A week ago, they shared the stage before the West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade:
(WSB photo, July 4: Mayor & County Executive with, at left, parade coordinator Emily Williams)
This week, Mayor Ed Murray and King County Executive Dow Constantine plan separate appearances at two major West Seattle events.
Wednesday, the mayor will be at the 34th District Democrats‘ monthly meeting, 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW). The group’s official announcement says he’s set to spend an hour with the group, speaking and answering questions, 7:15-8:15. The meeting also will “consider additional endorsements for the August Primary Election, discuss the upcoming Casino Night fundraiser,” and more. Here’s the full agenda; here are the endorsements the 34th DDs have made so far. Before the meeting, an informal social hour at 6:30 pm will offer information “about the District’s hardworking local service non-profit organizations. Hors d’oeuvres will be provided by renowned local chef Marvin Rosete and beverages will be available.”
Thursday, the county executive, who chairs the Sound Transit board, will speak to the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly lunch meeting about what West Seattle would get from ST3, which will be on your ballot in November. Here’s how to make a reservation for the luncheon, which starts at 11:30 am Thursday at The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW).
(WSB photo of the Southwest Precinct, taken tonight)
Sent tonight by Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis, a message for you:
In the wake of the recent officer-involved shootings across the country and the most recent tragedy resulting in the deaths of several law enforcement officers in Dallas Texas, we again find ourselves heartbroken and shaken to the core.
But in this time of bewilderment, shock and sadness, we find ourselves humbled and blessed to have a fantastic Seattle community that will not only continue to partner with their officers, but will also provide comfort, understanding and continuing dialog with hopes of strengthening the bond between their officers and the community.
Since the occurrence of the aforementioned incidents, our West Seattle community to include our local West Seattle media, has again shown us why they are world class. The undying compassion, support and partnership exhibited to your officers is and continues to be second to none. Your West Seattle officers are truly humbled, blessed and privileged to serve all of you who have chosen to be the guardians of your guardians.
With the utmost pride and admiration, we thank you!
Capt. Pierre Davis and your West Seattle Officers
(WSB photo, from April – Cove Park at left, 8923 Fauntleroy house & beach at right)
A month and a half after a community meeting (WSB coverage here) on whether to take over a King County-owned beachfront home at 8923 Fauntleroy Way SW, the Seattle Parks recommendation is in – they support moving ahead with a swap of sorts that would in effect expand Cove Park next to the Fauntleroy ferry dock. Here’s the news release we just received:
After considering public comments, input from a public meeting, and City policy, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) has recommended that King County Wastewater Treatment Division move forward with the street vacation request which would involve the transferring of the King County owned property located at 8923 Fauntleroy Way SW to the City of Seattle. Having made this recommendation, the next step in the process involves King County Wastewater Treatment Division applying for a street vacation. This is one of many steps in the process prior to the Seattle City Council making a final decision on the street vacation and taking ownership of the property.
In 2015, the King County Wastewater Treatment Division finished an upgrade to the Barton Pump Station by the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal to accommodate West Seattle’s growing population. To build the new pump station, King County acquired the property just to the north of SW Barton Street for use during construction. Once the project was finished, King County began the process to surplus the property. With the City expressing an interest in the property, this raised the possibility of trading the Fauntleroy Way SW property to the City for a partial vacation of SW Barton St. (under the county’s pump station) which the County is interested in obtaining.
This potential trade is not solely an SPR issue, but rather a City issue that needs the input of multiple departments for an adequate review. The comprehensive City review required by a street vacation application will help provide the information necessary to fully inform the public, address unanswered questions, and lead to an informed decision by City Council.
The street vacation process will be run by Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and will include plenty of opportunities for further public input and dialogue.
For more information on this proposal, please visit http://www.seattle.gov/parks/projects/cove_park/addition.htm or contact Chip Nevins, SPR, at chip.nevins@seattle.gov or 206-233-3879.
The possibility of Seattle taking over the county-owned house and 35-foot-wide strip of beach (aerial map here) was first explained publicly at April’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting (WSB coverage here).
Two West Seattle development updates today:
UPDATE FOR 4220 SW 100TH LIVE-WORK UNITS: Back in April, we brought you first word of an early-stage proposal for nine live-work units at 4220 SW 100th in Arbor Heights, replacing a church building. The project is advancing, now with a land-use permit application number – #3025192 – and a notation that it will have to go through Design Review. Watch for a formal application notice in an upcoming Land Use Information Bulletin. The newest “site plan” still shows the same basic configuration as the one filed in April – three units fronting on California SW, six on SW 100th, with nine surface parking spaces on the north side of the 8,100-square-foot site, which is zoned for commercial/residential up to three stories.
SPEAKING OF DESIGN REVIEW – MEETING SET FOR 4754 FAUNTLEROY: We’ve reported twice since December on the mixed-use project planned for what had been the site of the Capitol Loans pawn shop (which closed two months ago). Its first session with the Southwest Design Review Board is set for what’s now the second half of a doubleheader on August 4th, and its configuration has changed again: Now it’s proposed as a “126,500 sq. ft., 7-story mixed-use building containing 108 residential units and 10 live/work units. Parking to be provided for 88 vehicles below grade.” The architecture firm has changed, too; it’s now Mithun. This project is set for the 8 pm slot on August 4th, following (as reported here last month) the review for 5458 California SW.
(Delridge Fitness Zone equipment, photographed last Tuesday evening)
A week and a half ago, in our report on the July 30th grand-opening plan for Hiawatha‘s new Fitness Zone outdoor-workout equipment, we promised to check on the other new West Seattle set, outside Delridge Community Center. Found out over the weekend that the grand-opening celebration is planned for the upcoming Delridge Day festival on August 13th; one of the festival’s organizers, Pete Spalding, told us about it during West Seattle Summer Fest. The two new Fitness Zones were announced last year and are funded with the help of nonprofit partners. The one in Delridge is just west of the play equipment outside the community center’s north side – you can admire it (through the protective chain-link fencing) if you’re going to any of the Delridge CC events happening tonight. Want to know more about Fitness Zones? Here’s the backstory.
(Weekend dancing on Alki Beach at sunset – thanks to Bill for the photo)
With the 4th of July and three-day West Seattle Summer Fest all in the span of the past week (among other things!) … it’s time to take a few deep breaths and catch up. Or is it? Here are highlights of what’s happening today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – including three events at one venue:
EID MUBARAK! As part of the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association‘s “Cultural Events Series,” you’re invited to “Eid Mubarak: An Eid al-Fitr Celebration,” marking the recent end of Ramadan, 4-8 pm at Delridge Community Center. Details in our calendar listing. (4523 Delridge Way SW)
HANDS-ON CANDY WORKSHOPS: Free fun for kids in grades K-5, 6:30 pm at High Point Library, demonstrating “basic chemistry, physics, and nutrition concepts using bubbling Warheads, giant gummy worms, bobbing conversation hearts, and sinking marshmallows.” (35th SW/SW Raymond)
NORTH DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: This month’s meeting is a 6:30 pm barbecue in the Delridge Community Center park:
We’ll have omnivore, vegetarian, kosher, and halal fare! Bring a side or dessert to share, or BYOBBQ, and we will grill it for you. (Supplies while they last.) Eat and meet (or not!) supporters talking about the 2016 Seattle Housing Levy, which will be on the August primary ballot. What does it mean, and how will it affect people?
Ballots go out this Wednesday, so it’s prime time to learn more about what you’ll be voting on. If you live and/or work and/or play in North Delridge, go meet your neighbors!
Then after the meeting, stay for…
MUSIC UNDER THE STARS, #2: 7:15 tonight in the park north of Delridge Community Center, it’s the second of four free mini-concerts brought to you by the Seattle Chamber Music Society, and then stay for the live stream of the group’s big concert at Benaroya Hall. Trio Camellia performs tonight. Here’s our coverage of the first event last week. (4501 Delridge Way SW)
Also tonight:
CRIME/SAFETY/POLICE FOCUS GROUP: 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct, researcher Jennifer Burbridge’s community focus groups resume, with tonight’s invitation extended to the Pigeon Point community. Details in our calendar listing. (2300 SW Webster)
JAZZ/ROCK/FUNK … with Special Forces, 8:30 pm at Parliament Tavern. No cover. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
MORE FOR TODAY/TONIGHT/BEYOND … on our complete calendar.
Summertime is reunion time and we’re continuing to get announcements. If you are a ’60s or ’70s graduate of Chief Sealth High School, you’re invited to the first-ever multi-class reunion, 5-8 pm July 22nd on the beach at Lincoln Park. Organizer David Katt says picnic shelters #3 and #4, plus 20 tables, will be set up (the area closest to the park’s south end). He and Tom Huling from the Class of ’72 are sponsoring this first multi-class event, “with several other classes involved,” and you can reach him with questions at djkatt@comcast.net or 206-650-0863. The announcement also notes, “Some catering will be provided but Chief Sealth alums are encouraged to bring their own food and non-alcoholic beverages to this complimentary event.”
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:50 AM: Good morning! Post-Summer Fest cleanup concluded overnight and Junction streets are open again, with bus routes back to normal. Also, no incidents in/from West Seattle so far; regional reports say traffic volumes are a little lower than usual.
BRIDGE CLOSURE TONIGHT: As announced last week, the west end of the bridge will close overnight tonight, starting at 9 pm and reopening by 5 am, for a round of followup after the re-replacement of more than 600 earthquake-safety cushions beneath the Fauntleroy Expressway section.
8:56 AM – ONE MORE OVERNIGHT ALERT: From WSDOT – Concrete-panel work on I-90 between I-5 and Lake Washington will bring these closures this week:
Monday, July 11, to the morning of Wednesday, July 13
Each night from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning, crews will close the ramp from northbound I-5 to eastbound I-90.Wednesday, July 13, to the morning of Friday, July 15
Each night from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning, crews will close the ramp from southbound I-5 to eastbound I-90.
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