In our coverage of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition‘s recent “call to action” meeting about Sound Transit light rail for West Seattle, we mentioned the group planned to put together a survey/poll with questions they hoped would be answered by as many West Seattleites as possible.
It’s ready now. First, WSTC explains it:
In November 2016, we will be asked to vote on “Sound Transit 3,” also called “ST3”. This vote will help shape the future of light rail to the peninsula. On December 4th, 2015, Sound Transit presented various options to the Sound Transit Board. In response, the WSTC sent (this) letter to the Sound Transit Board, the Mayor and City Council.
On January 28th, 2016, the WSTC held a Call to Action to gauge peninsula residents’ reactions to ST proposed ST3 expansion plans. West Seattle Blog coverage of the meeting can be found here.
The WSTC would like YOUR feedback on a survey to help us refine the position we should advocate for. We will be submitting the feedback to Sound Transit’s Board and other elected officials that govern Sound Transit.
Here’s the survey link: Answer the questions here. There’s some urgency, as ST will decide on its plan this spring, asking voters to approve paying for it in a ballot measure this November.