Holiday swims: Southwest Pool plan for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve

The folks at our area’s only year-round city-run aquatic facility, Southwest Pool, asked us to let you know they will be open on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve for:

Adult and Senior Swim 12-1:30 pm
Senior Water Exercise 1:30-2:30 pm

The pool’s closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Its full holiday schedule is online. The overall holiday schedule for Seattle Parks facilities is here.

2 Replies to "Holiday swims: Southwest Pool plan for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve"

  • Out for a walk December 24, 2015 (7:57 pm)

    They should have swim hours after work hours with the increasing numbers of new folks living in our community. I know a fellow who swims for his exercise but works during the day so these hours do not work for him.

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