Meet Boden, William, and Whit. They are part of the only Seattle Parks cross-country team in the city, based at High Point Community Center, and they are off to the national championships in Albuquerque! The photos and info are courtesy of their coach, Eric Linxweiler, who explains:
We started training in September at Lincoln Park, and have competed in races all across Western Washington. We have one particularly special set of runners, our 7- and 8-year-old boys. The team took second or third in all their races, including the Western Washington region of USA Track and Field’s Junior Olympics championships. That bought them a ticket to a Regional meet held on 11/21 in Pasco, including runners from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. There, they placed 5th in their age group, getting them a ticket to the National Championship on December 12th in Albuquerque.
We have three boys who will be representing our team going. Whit, Boden, and William. All three are students at Schmitz Park Elementary, and are really excited to be a part of this team, representing all of West Seattle at the national championship. Their race, as all have been, are 2,000m (about 1.2 miles).
They’ve been continuing their training, right on up to this week’s travel to Albuquerque.