We’ve heard from several readers wondering about the lineup of RVs that turned up recently on the north side of SW Andover along the southwest side of Nucor, across the street from West Seattle Health Club. We went over for a look and counted nine parked there as of midday today. Several had orange tags on windshields or windows:

This lineup arrived concurrent with the departure of a group that had been parked under the West Seattle Bridge east of the Delridge/West Marginal Way intersection.
Questions about RVs parked on city streets have come up at recent community meetings including this one in September, when city attorney liaison Matthew York said overnight parking is not allowed and that police can issue citations. Researching further, though, we find that is not the case with city streets in industrial zones. The 72-hour rule still applies, though. So we asked the Southwest Precinct today if this is on their radar; precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis replied that “a majority of the owners have been contacted and should be making plans to move their rigs,” while pointing out that “other social-service issues” are involved as well, and that Community Police Team officers are involved with that. He added that this is considered a city-wide issue that multi-agency teams are working on, too. The citywide program Road to Housing offers spaces in church parking lots for people living in their vehicles, though none appear to be available in West Seattle currently.