If you don’t know them already, above are Fran Yeatts and Rick Jump, executive directors of the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks, photographed at last night’s WS Chamber of Commerce “After Hours” event at Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor) in Westwood Village. We’ve checked with both organizations about Thanksgiving turkey needs and here’s where they stand:
WSFB – OK on turkeys thanks to some unexpected deliveries/donations – but they will of course welcome any that you can drop off at their HQ (SE corner of 35th and Morgan, donations through the garage entrance off Morgan) 9 am-3 pm weekdays. This weekend, you can also donate nonperishable food via the food drives at the Junction True Value (4747 44th SW; WSB sponsor) open house on Saturday, 10 am-2 pm, and the Beer Church Turkey Bowl at WS Bowl (39th/Oregon) on Saturday night, 6:30-8:30 pm.
WCFB – Bring turkeys!!!! As mentioned previously, special turkey drive at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW) this Sunday, 10 am-noon – look for the truck outside – or at their HQ (10829 8th SW) 9 am- 5 pm weekdays.
Both also can always use cash donations, as in many cases – though NOT the case with turkeys! – they have special agreements and can make donated dollars go further. For WSFB – donate online here; for WCFB (which serves WS south of SW Myrtle) – donate online here.