HAPPENING NOW: House demolition for nursery expansion

Thanks for the texted photos! As previewed here last week, the house on California SW immediately north of West Seattle Nursery (California SW & SW Brandon) is coming down today to make way for the nursery’s expansion. We’re told many parts of the house were salvaged before teardown; there was hope of giving the house away to someone to move a new site, but no taker. The new addition, designed by LD Arch Design and built by Ventana Construction (both West Seattle businesses and WSB sponsors), is expected to be done by spring.

9 Replies to "HAPPENING NOW: House demolition for nursery expansion"

  • wscommuter October 12, 2015 (8:49 am)

    The only downside to this is that now I’ll end up spending even more money there, dammit.
    Seriously, this is good news in my mind. That old house was an eyesore and past its useful life … and I strongly prefer patronizing WSN than the far away nurseries in Ballard or the eastside, etc.

  • sc October 12, 2015 (10:46 am)

    At least it won’t be replaced with a condo or those ugly box houses!

  • KatherineL October 12, 2015 (12:07 pm)

    I agree. And they’re going to have a coffee bar! That just means I’ll get so hyped up, I’ll think I can handle even more plants.

    I need a keeper.

  • AJ October 12, 2015 (4:04 pm)

    My most successful plants this year came from WSN, so I’m looking forward to coming back for more next year. Very excited about the expansion! I’m with sc, it’s great to see development that’s not a residential box of some sort.

  • kris October 12, 2015 (6:55 pm)

    does anyone else think the rite-aid close by the nursery is on the chopping block in the near future? It looks like its barely hanging on..that is prime property and just surprised it hasn’t been bough out yet

    • WSB October 12, 2015 (7:34 pm)

      Kris, I’ve thought for years that of all the sites in the area that would seem to merit redevelopment eventually … that was the most likely. Or at least lease out part of the vast lot for park n riders. Interestingly, its ownership is partly foreign-based – president and vice president in Singapore – only other local reference I found for them was, at least in 2010, owning a dead K-Mart in Bremerton.

  • pie October 13, 2015 (8:17 am)

    That Rite Aid has an amazing view. If they were smart they’d sell it off now. Just think of the 100s of apartments that they could put in. We’ve actually just moved to nowheres-ville in Eastern WA – one reason because of all of the development happening.

  • Rick October 13, 2015 (9:41 am)

    I believe Rite Aid block is only zoned for three stories so that could have something to do with it. Waiting to “upzone”.

    • WSB October 13, 2015 (9:49 am)

      Yes, it’s NC2-30. Nothing is filed, even on an exploratory basis. The owners might just be holding for the long term. I can’t find much of anything else out about them.

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