West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
(Photo by Laura Goodrich, from the WSB Flickr group)
Happy weekend! We start with a transportation reminder:
METRO SERVICE CHANGE: Today is when the next “service change” takes effect. Not much changing for West Seattle this time around, but here’s the breakout.
Now – highlights from our calendar:
PANCAKE BREAKFAST: 8 am-11 am, benefit breakfast with the West Seattle Lions Club at the Senior Center of West Seattle. (4127 SW Oregon)
SEAVIEW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE: 8 am-3 pm, come see what’s for sale at the church in Seaview. (4620 SW Graham)
SHOREWOOD PARKING LOT SALE: 8:30 am-4 pm, day two of the sale at Shorewood Christian School‘s parking lot – info here. (10300 28th SW)
MAC’S TRIANGLE PUB TURNS TEN: 9 am-2 am, party all day and all night as the pub in the South Delridge Triangle celebrates its 10th anniversary. Here’s the plan. (9454 Delridge Way SW)
FREE GENEALOGY SEMINAR: 9:30 am-1 pm at West Seattle’s Church of Latter-Day Saints, no pre-registration required, all welcome. Details here. (4001 44th SW)
(WSB photo @ SW Precinct, added 11:40 am)
DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY: Get those expired/no-longer-needed leftover prescription drugs out of your house safely, by dropping them off, no questions asked, 10 am-2 pm today at the Southwest Precinct. (2300 SW Webster)
(added) HOT DOGS FOR A CAUSE: Last benefit barbecue of the year at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), 11 am until about 3 – hot dogs for $3. (California/Morgan/Fauntleroy)
DOG DAYS OF SUMMER, FINAL SESSION: 11 am-1 pm at the Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club pool, it’s the fifth and final chance for your dog(s) to swim in the pool before it’s closed for the year (the human swimming season is already over). It’s a benefit for AHSTC’s teams, and you don’t have to be a member to participate – info here. (11003 31st SW)
‘LISTEN TO SEATTLE’: 2 pm at the Duwamish Longhouse, the Steve Griggs Ensemble will premiere this “75-minute original program of narration and music inspired by the life and words of Chief Seattle, weaving indigenous customs and local history with jazz composition and improvisation.” (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
THE WHATEVERLY BROTHERS: 7-9 pm, live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) with an eclectic range of musical styles. (5612 California SW)
THE GODS THEMSELVES: Album-release party, free/all-ages, 7 pm at Easy Street Records in The Junction. (California SW & SW Alaska)
THE JOCELYN PETTIT BAND: Canadian and Celtic folk music and more at Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm. (7904 35th SW)
AFTER – AN APOCALYPSE STORY: 8:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in North Delridge, Rebel Belly Productions presents “AFTER – An Apocalypse Story.” A tale told through dancing to live music; read about it, and get tickets, here. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
MORE! Browse our complete calendar for the rest of the listings for today/tonight/beyond.
Road game for the West Seattle High School Wildcats on Friday night, and they went away with a win – at Southeast Athletic Complex, WSHS 22, Rainier Beach 20. Next week, the Wildcats are home at SW Athletic Complex, hosting Roosevelt at 7 pm Friday (October 2nd).
(WSB photos by Patrick Sand. Above, Sealth senior linebacker Orlando Lopez, #55, driving Ballard’s Simon Robinson out of bounds)
You never lose hope so long as the team’s still out on the field and there’s time on the clock, and so went Friday night for Chief Sealth International High School players and supporters, hosting Ballard at Southwest Athletic Complex.
(Chief Sealth cheer squad, coached by TahReana Turner)
The Seahawks fought on as their first home game of the season continued, though the final score was lopsided – Ballard 46, Sealth 0.
(Sealth senior quarterback, senior Kyler Gaither, #10, on the keeper, against Ballard’s line)
The band did its part to keep spirits up on the occasionally raindrop-spattered early-fall night:
(Chief Sealth band, under new director Brian Goetz)
Head coach Simon Iniguez‘s team had a tough fight, but there were moments:
(Sealth’s #11, junior Daron Camacho, and Ballard’s Jessi Elion)
But as tweeted on the Sealth Athletics account at game’s end, “you win some, you lose some.”
Next week: Sealth plays Franklin at Memorial Stadium downtown, 7 pm Saturday, October 3rd.
Right now, millions of domestic animals are without homes. Many will lose their lives without ever finding one. Last night, local animal advocates and companions gathered for a candlelight event in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard, in observance of “Remember Me Thursday,” meant to call attention to what you can do to help change that.
Above, that’s Teri Ensley of West Seattle-based Furry Faces Foundation, which organized the gathering; other participants included animal advocates from Animal Aid and Rescue Foundation and Kitty Harbor. Teri read a poem; another inspirational reading was the proclamation by King County Executive Dow Constantine, in which he urged everyone to adopt a cat or dog:
Adopting a pet is not the only way you can help reduce the number of pets who have no home. Spaying/neutering yours is another vital step. So is making sure your pet has ID – a chip, a collar, a license – so that if it ever gets lost, it won’t be in danger of never coming home.
This was the third year for “Remember Me Thursday” – here’s how it got started.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The Highland Park Action Committee reconvened after summer recess with an information-packed meeting. Crime and safety comprise a major concern, as is the case for most neighborhood groups, so that’s where the meeting on Wednesday night at Highland Park Improvement Club began.
CRIME, SAFETY, AND THE POLICING PLAN: Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith was at HPAC to talk about crime and safety. HPAC meetings previously have been attended by one or both of the Community Police Team officers who, as we’ve reported in coverage of other meetings, have advanced – Erin Nicholson is now an acting sergeant in another precinct, and in line for a promotion; Jonathan Kiehn has been working on a citywide technology-related project. (As he had told the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network the previous night, there are three “very good candidates” who will get tryouts in the role before they decide who will succeed Nicholson and Kiehn.)
First, it was a review of HP’s “micropolicing plan” – the first version of the plan listed five primary concerns for HP:
(WSB photo)
6:18 PM: Thanks for the tips – a “suspicious package” is what police say they’re investigating on West Marginal Place SW, south of the west end of the low bridge, in the Riverside area.
6:47 PM UPDATE: Just went back over to follow up. Whatever it was, it’s gone, and so are the police, bomb squad and all.
7:37 PM UPDATE: We’re told the Bomb Squad “took custody” of the item. No word so far on what it turned out to be.
A reader e-mailed this alert for others who use the Alki Trail:
I wanted to share an incident I witnessed yesterday (Thursday, 9/24). At about 4:30 PM I was walking on the bike path in the 3000 block of Harbor Ave [map] and saw a man in the driver’s seat of a white pickup truck parked facing northbound with no pants on, masturbating. I didn’t stop or slow down, but called 911 as I kept walking. They said they’d send someone out. Once I got about a hundred yards down the path I looked back, but he was gone. I doubt the police were able to find him. I wish I was brave enough to try and get a video or photo for police, but didn’t want him to know I noticed what he was doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy does this regularly, so a heads-up to the other walkers, joggers, and bikers to be on the lookout. I didn’t get a good look at his face, but he was white, had a bit of a belly, and was wearing a white t-shirt (and nothing else). His truck was a little older, maybe 1995-2000, possibly extended or crew cab.
Just in from Seattle Public Schools:
The following makeup days for a revised school calendar have now been finalized with our SEA partners, pending approval by the Board of Directors on October 7.
Please mark your home and school calendars accordingly.
School Year Calendar Changes
With the Board’s approval, the following days will now be regular school days:
Fri., Oct. 9
Fri., Jan. 29
Wed., Feb. 17, Thurs., Feb.18, and Fri., Feb. 19. This is a shortened mid-winter break.
Fri., June 24Seattle Public Schools staff and the Seattle Education Association worked together to finalize the 2015-16 school year calendar to adjust for the school days missed by the teacher strike.
State law requires school districts conduct a school year of no less than 180 school days in such grades as are conducted by the school district, and 180 half-days of instruction, or the equivalent, in kindergarten. The district and its partners needed to meet that requirement and looked for the best options for adjusting the calendar that works for families.
Looking back at the original calendar – October 9th was supposed to be an off-day for students but NOT for teachers; January 29th, everybody was supposed to be out for the “day between semesters”; June 24th was held as a possible “snow (makeup) day.” June 27th, apparently, will remain on the calendar as a potential “snow day.”
(WSB photo)
If you wondered where Northwest Center‘s Big Blue Truck has gone – recently vanished from the 44th SW & SW Edmunds parking lot – it’s not far away. From Denise at NW Center:
Northwest Center’s West Seattle Big Blue Truck donation drop off is on the move. Now located 1/2 block NORTH, behind Taqueria Guaymas in the Key Bank (ATM) parking lot: 4718 44th Ave SW
Visit them at their new location and drop off your donations of clothing and household goods to benefit children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Truck not there? Can’t get there during regular hours? Visit
(WSB photo: Myrtle Reservoir, where the work’s happening underground)
After multiple reports of yellow, or otherwise discolored, water in different areas of West Seattle in recent days – we heard from people as far north as Admiral and as far south as Gatewood – we contacted Seattle Public Utilities this morning to find out what’s going on. Here’s what we’ve heard back from spokesperson Andy Ryan:
We are working to clear up discolored drinking water that has been reported in several sections of West Seattle over the past few days.
The cause of the discoloration is believed to be sediment that was stirred up due to a temporary change in water-system configuration.
Although the water is temporarily discolored, it is safe to drink. The discoloration is expected to clear up gradually over the next few days.
The utility will provide updates if anything changes.
Elaborating on the “configuration,” Ryan explains it’s because of the earthquake-resistance retrofitting (most recently mentioned here) that started earlier this month at Myrtle Reservoir, which is temporarily out of service because of the work, so they’ve rerouted water through a part of the system that they don’t often use.
Otherwise, discolored water turns up here and there every so often, for various reasons – usually we get a few reports from one area, so we point people to this SPU page with information about dealing with it (and the utility’s customer-service hotline if the problem persists – 206-684-3000), and that’s the end of it.
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
PARKING-LOT SALE: The Shorewood Christian School fall/winter parking-lot sale is on until 4 pm today, 8:30 am-4 pm tomorrow. Thanks to Mel for the photo! (10300 28th SW)
BOWLING FOR HOPE: 4-6 pm at West Seattle Bowl, bowling, pizza, and pop to benefit the Hope Middle School Washington, D.C., enrichment program – details here. (39th SW & SW Oregon)
DOG DAYS OF SUMMER: 5-7 pm, second-to-last chance for your dog to swim at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club during their post-human-swimming-season fundraiser – details here. (10103 31st SW)
‘SEATTLE MADE WEEK’ TRUNK SHOW @ CLICK! Local blacksmith Erica Gordon is bringing her Steel Toe Studios forged buckles and handmade leather belts to Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) for a “Seattle Made Week” trunk show, 6-9 pm tonight. Here’s Erica in the studio:
(Photo courtesy Erica Gordon)
Click! says, “She will be showcasing a limited offering of one-of-a-kind buckles from her Scale collection, as well as new leather belt color ways. She will also be sharing her full collection of stainless steel and brass jewelry, not typically carried at Click!.” (4540 California SW)
HELP THE HELPLINE – CONCERT SERIES STARTS TONIGHT AT ALKI UCC: At 7 pm, Alki UCC Church is hosting its first formal concert since acquiring a 7-foot handmade German concert grand piano two years ago, and its the start of a concert series meant “to bring concert-hall-quality music to West Seattle, and support a local organization in the process. Our outreach team chose West Seattle Helpline because their focus is on how to keep people from becoming homeless.” Here are tonight’s musicians, Spencer Hoveskeland, Lia Wax, and DJ Wilson, rehearsing earlier this week (clip provided by organizers – thanks!):
Desserts and refreshments will be served during intermission. Helpline could only fund one of every three requests for help during its last fiscal year – your support tonight (and beyond) can change that for the better. Full details in our calendar listing. (6115 SW Hinds)
WESTSIDE BABY’S FALL MASQUERADE: 7-10 pm benefit at Emerald City Trapeze Arts – details in our calendar listing; get your tickets here. (2702 6th Ave. S.)
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Chief Sealth International High School is home at Southwest Athletic Complex against Ballard tonight, 7 pm; that’s when West Seattle High School plays Rainier Beach on the road at Southeast Athletic Complex; and it’s also when O’Dea and Seattle Prep face off at West Seattle Stadium.
OF COURSE THERE’S MORE! Music, bingo, theater … all on the complete calendar.
In the photo is Patrick‘s stolen wagon – if you see it, call 911:
My 1985 Volvo 245 turbo wagon was stolen from the Junction last night between 11 and 7 this morning. Taken from my building parking lot on 44th and Alaska. Plate #ASL2453
Seattle Public Utilities has settled on a new home, in West Seattle, for its Drainage and Wastewater Operations team. Now the hitch – getting the site, the bus yard at 4500 West Marginal Way SW.
That’s the slide deck for this plan, which is the only item on the agenda for a meeting next Tuesday morning of the City Council’s Public Utilities and Neighborhoods Committee. It points out that this division – more than 100 vehicles and 100 staffers – currently operates from the city’s Charles Street yard on the south side of downtown, shared with other departments/agencies, with no room for expansion. The tipping point: Maintenance of the forthcoming First Hill Streetcar will be at Charles Street too.
The West Seattle site choice was made, SPU says, after evaluating sites including the Myers Way parcels on the southeast edge of West Seattle and the former South Transfer Station in South Park. It would require some cleanup and remodeling over the next three-plus years. Meeting documents say the city started trying to buy the site this past spring; the owner asked $16 million, $6 million over the appraised value. (While the documents also say the site wasn’t on the market, it has been in recent years.) So now there’s an attempt to lease it. If none of this can be worked out, the city might try to acquire it by eminent domain. So they’re asking for City Council authorization to, basically, do what it takes to get the site. This meeting’s the first step; it’s at 9:30 am next Tuesday, and will include public comment (as do most council meetings); you’ll also be able to watch live via Seattle Channel, online or cable channel 21.
SEPTEMBER 29TH UPDATE: Though it was shown on the Seattle Channel schedule as the appointed time arrived – suddenly it seems this meeting’s been canceled. The committee’s next scheduled meeting is October 13th. We’ll keep watching.
(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:59 AM: Highway 99 *is* open again this morning; it reopened late last night, 12 hours after the deadly crash on the Aurora Bridge. Right now, no incidents in the outbound area (an earlier crash on the 1st Avenue S. Bridge has cleared).
BUS CANCELLATION: Tweeted by Metro:
Transit Alert – Route 56 to downtown Seattle due to leave SW Admiral Way and 51st Av SW at 7:28 AM will not operate… https://t.co/5TNh6UDHlx
— King County Metro (@kcmetrobus) September 25, 2015
Our followup interview scheduled for yesterday about the ongoing cancellation issue had to be postponed because the Aurora crash required the Metro ops center to focus on reroutes all afternoon and evening; we’re awaiting a new time next week.
7:25 AM: It’s not on the SFD log, so apparently no injuries, but a texter says a crash at the bottom of the Highland Park Way hill is backing up traffic. (Photo added)
Also, trouble on I-5 both ways that could back up those exiting from the east end of the West Seattle Bridge – northbound, a crash on the “collector-distributor” lanes at James St.; southbound, a crash reported at Boeing Access Road.
12:08 AM: Guardian One is helping police search for a car prowler reported by neighbors in the 45th/Hinds area. A texter tells us car windows were broken, and one report via scanner said the prowler might have threatened someone with a gun.
12:18 AM: Confirmation from a texter: “My neighbor caught him in the act and grabbed him, and the suspect pulled a gun on him.”
12:33 AM: Haven’t heard anything further – the helicopter left before long. Meantime, the texter says it appears this might have been more a case of attempted auto thefts than car prowls: “Our car’s ignition was stripped. Nothing stolen out of the vehicles like our typical car prowlers. Seems they were after the cars themselves.”
10:18 AM: In comments, Beth says her son spotted what turned out to be a loaded gun near 45th and Hinds, and reported it to police, who picked it up.
3:26 PM: The aforementioned neighbor contacted us with more information. The gun, he says, turned out to be “a BB pistol but looks very much like a full size, ‘real’ gun. Model is a Smith & Wesson 327 TRR8 BB Revolver.” He confirms it’s the one the prowler threatened him with last night and was apparently tossed aside at the spot where the prowler got into a car and took off.
The bus and “Duck” involved in the deadly Aurora Bridge collision 12 hours ago have both just been towed away, and Highway 99 has reopened both ways, SDOT just announced. The investigation into the crash that killed 4 college students will continue Friday with the arrival of a National Transportation Safety Board team.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Two big topics for tonight’s West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting – a candidates’ forum for the two Seattle Port Commission races, and a discussion of the newly released West Seattle Bridge-Duwamish Waterway Corridor “action report” – which veered into a debate about the group’s stance on the Move Seattle levy.
Chair Amanda Kay Helmick started the meeting with a moment of silence for victims of the Aurora Bridge crash. Then it was on to politics:
PORT COMMISSION CANDIDATES: For Position 2, incumbent Courtney Gregoire canceled at the last minute (with a note about staying home with a sick child), leaving Goodspaceguy for that position; for Position 5, which has no incumbent in the race, both Fred Felleman and Marion Yoshino were in attendance. Each got about a minute for an opening statement, and we recorded all three on video:
Questions followed (our summaries below are highlights, not full verbatims). First – “what transportation system improvements are needed to better serve the West Seattle peninsula and the Port?”
(WSB photo: Serving up Harvest Festival chili tastes for judges – that means you! – during 2014 festival)
Which West Seattle restaurant will win this year’s Harvest Festival chili competition, delighting tastebuds and raising money for the West Seattle Food Bank? Just announced – the field is open for entries:
The West Seattle Junction Association is sponsoring a fundraiser for the West Seattle Food Bank at our 4th Annual Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 25th. Our neighborhood restaurants will bring their best pot of chili and compete for bragging rights of Best Chili at Harvest Festival – 2015. It’s free for restaurants to enter. The West Seattle public will vote by buying a flight of chili and choosing their favorite! 100% of the donations collected will go to the West Seattle Food Bank to help our community. In the past two years, this competition has raised over $4500 for the food bank!
Some logistics and rules to enter. Participants must:
* Be a West Seattle business.
* Bring 2.5 gallons of hot chili made in commercial kitchen. We’ll have chafing dishes but bring it hot!!
* Provide a chili server who has a current Food Handlers Card. Restaurant owner, lead chef, or manager preferred.
* Be ready to serve at 11 am! With 2.5 gallons of chili, we’ll be able to serve over 100 flights and the competition will be done by 1 pm.
* We have room for only 9 competitors. First come, first serve, don’t delay.We’ll provide everything else. To register, please e-mail susan@wsjunction.org with your business name, contact person, and agreement that rules will be followed. Deadline Friday, October 16th.
Last year, West Seattle caterer Deano’s was the winner; the year before that, Husky Deli.
P.S. Along with chili, trick-or-treating (at noon and not a second sooner) is part of the Harvest Festival, as is the costume parade (now confirmed – West Seattle High School Marching Band will lead the way again!), harvest activities, and the Farmers’ Market, all happening in the street in the heart of The Junction, 10 am-2 pm Sunday, October 25th.
In West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:
STOLEN BICYCLE & BREAK-IN ATTEMPT: That’s Lisa‘s bike, stolen – via cutting off two locks, including a “U lock” – in the 9100 block of 45th SW between 10:40 last night and 2 this afternoon. She adds, “They attempted to break in to my apartment but were unsuccessful.” A police report is in progress. Be on the lookout for her bicycle.
ABANDONED BICYCLE: In most cases, that means someone stole it and cast it aside, so we’re featuring Denise‘s discovery here:
Located 18th/Myrtle near greenbelt to Sanislo, 1/2 block north of intersection, in bushes on west side of road. (Wednesday) morning, I was dropping off materials for a specialist at Sanislo Elem, and saw this abandoned bike. Thought “physical fitness bicycle” characteristic was familiar…
BURGLARY HOTSPOT: Another one Tuesday in the general Camp Long area. From George:
At 9:10 a.m. our back door alarm was triggered (5200 block of 35th Ave SW near Brandon). Neither of us were at home but the police were dispatched. They didn’t see any forced entry — the burglar(s) must have been scared off by the alarm, but clearly the back door had been tampered with, which triggered the alarm.
Ours is at least the third house in the immediate vicinity that has been targeted by burglars in the past year, so this is a reminder to call 9-1-1 if you see any suspicious activity. Likewise, if anyone saw anyone acting suspiciously or perhaps running from or speeding away from 35th and Brandon at 9:10 a.m. Tuesday and can provide any identifying info, please contact the police.
Then on Wednesday morning, according to a note from another area resident, 36th between Brandon and Findlay, had a burglary attempt following at least two car break-ins and home burglaries since Sunday. One of those victims saw a man trying the doors on her neighbor’s house yesterday, then called police, only to see the would-be burglar “hide in another house/yard across the alley when they drove by”; she then saw the man break into another house after police left. Neighbors Then watched as he came back and entered her neighbor’s house, as she tried again to get the police to come. This tipster also says, “I would like to let folks in our extended neighborhood know to be on the lookout and to report any car prowls or suspicious activity.”
Two months after first word that Mayor Murray will come to Delridge on Saturday, October 3rd, for West Seattle’s first-ever “Find It, Fix It” community walk, one year after the program began, we have full details today: It’ll start at Louisa Boren STEM K-8 (5950 Delridge Way SW) at 11 am. In addition to the traditional Find It, Fix It issues, Delridge-specific concerns will be discussed, as explained here – you can also follow that link to find out about applying for city grants to fund community projects aimed at “fixing” problems. Whether you want to do that or not, you’re invited to join the walk.
(SCROLL DOWN for the newest information)
11:28 AM: A collision with major injuries reported has blocked the Aurora Bridge both ways. It’s reported to involve a Ride The Ducks vehicle and a bus. That’s likely to be a relatively long-lasting closure so if you use Highway 99, plan an alternate route.
11:55 AM: SFD says two people are dead, nine critically injured, and they are still evaluating people.
SR 99 is closed NB at Western Ave and SB at N 46th St. All traffic must exit. Use alt routes and expect long delays pic.twitter.com/5gqvCACGpa
— seattledot (@seattledot) September 24, 2015
12:42 PM: The city says the traffic effects are likely to last into the evening. The mayor and police chief will be speaking at the scene shortly.
12:49 PM: The mayor, at the news conference happening now, confirms they expect the closure to continue into the evening. Fire Chief Harold Scoggins says 4 people died at the scene and 12 are critically injured; the crash involved not only a charter bus and a Ride The Ducks vehicle but also two cars.
(Added: Seattle Fire Department photo)
1:41 PM: Short updates are now online via SPD Blotter and SFD Fireline (looks like the same info). Because of the transportation effects, we will keep this story pinned atop the WSB home page TFN, but as we publish other, unrelated stories (starting soon), they’ll appear beneath it, so from the home page, just scroll down to see what else is happening.
2:44 PM: Some miscellaneous information that’s also being discussed in comments:
—METRO REROUTES: Latest list is here
—BLOOD DONATIONS: Bloodworks NW says because of so many injuries in this incident, it needs more – go here to find out how to donate
3:31 PM: Still closed, NB from the Western exit, and SB, according to commenter “Cadburry,” reopens just south of the Aurora Bridge. Meanwhile, SPD has issued a short update on its investigation.
5:22 PM: No change in the situation – Aurora Bridge still closed, with Highway 99 closure NB at Western; SB, we’re told you CAN get on starting around lower Queen Anne, south of the bridge. Also, some more bus reroutes – updated info here. And while this is NOT related to the crash, we just got word that the cycles on the signal at 35th/Alaska are apparently running too short and causing a backup on southbound 35th there – we flagged SDOT via Twitter and they say engineers are looking into it.
5:34 PM: SDOT says that’s fixed now; our crew just arrived and verifies that it seems to be OK, no notable backup.
5:50 PM: Briefing expected shortly from the mayor – you can watch live here. Meantime, in another non-related traffic update, a crash is reported at Fauntleroy/Hudson; traffic’s getting by, says our tipster, but barely.
6:05 PM: The briefing is under way, with the mayor, fire chief, police chief. The Aurora Bridge might remain closed until sometime tomorrow, the mayor said. No change in the number of deaths; 15 people are in critical condition. “Too early … to draw any conclusions” about crash’s cause, says Police Chief O’Toole. They’ve set up a hotline for witnesses: 206-233-5000. SDOT director Scott Kubly explains that once the investigators are done, there will be cleanup and bridge inspections among other things before 99 can reopen.
8:28 PM: The closure continues. We’ll shortly remove this from its position stuck atop the WSB home page, and will publish a new story if there’s a change this evening. We’ll of course have traffic/transit coverage first thing in the morning as usual, too.
11:17 PM: The southbound lanes of 99 have reopened, right after the bus and “Duck” were towed. Awaiting word on the northbound lanes.
Thanks to Deborah for the dahlia photo! Calendar highlights for this first full day of fall:
CHAT WITH PARKS SUPERINTENDENT AGUIRRE: Missed his West Seattle “listening tour” stops? Have a followup question? Noon chat on Twitter today with Seattle Parks Superintendent Jesús Aguirre. Use the hashtag #ParkRecSupe.
‘REMEMBER ME THURSDAY’: Help bring attention to all the pets awaiting their forever homes, with Furry Faces Foundation and friends at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), 6-8 pm, candlelight ceremony at 7, details in our calendar listing. (4410 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: 6:30 pm, Neighborhood House’s High Point Center – Seattle Port Commission candidates’ forum, the West Seattle Bridge-Duwamish Waterway Corridor “action report,” more. Everybody welcome. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
3 PLAY RICOCHET: 7 pm tonight at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), “Bluegrass, Old-Time, Ragtime, & String-Band Americana” music, live. (5612 California SW)
THAT’S JUST THE START … get the rest for today/tonight/tomorrow/this weekend/beyond, by browsing our complete calendar.
The 24th annual Southwest Library Community Artists Showcase is just a week and a half away – so, whatever you want to show off, get it ready for dropoff, and take note of something new this year: Music! Songs can be uploaded to the library website starting next Monday (September 28th) and continuing through October; visual art can be dropped off at the branch for display October 1st-3rd; for both visual art and music, up to three entries per person. The showcase runs October 4th-31st, starting with a 2 pm opening reception on the 4th. Saturday art classes are on the schedule too, 1 pm Saturdays, October 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st. Southwest Library is on the southeast corner of 35th and Henderson in Westwood – drop in to sign up and/or get more info.
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