Didn’t have enough fun on Saturday? Welcome to Sunday! Your options include:
PANCAKES! The White Center Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at Holy Family School is just getting under way, and continues until 1 pm (so you can even have “pancake lunch”). $7 at the door; kids 5 and under eat free. You’ll be able to buy drawing tickets for baskets benefiting local nonprofits. (20th/Roxbury)
WEST SEATTLE GARDEN TOUR: You can start touring today at 9 am and your ticket book gets you admission to nine great local gardens until 5 pm today, plus the noontime guest expert lecture at The Kenney (WSB sponsor). Don’t have your ticket book (which includes a map to the gardens) yet? Buy it 8:30 am-11:30 am at Metropolitan Market (also a WSB sponsor; 41st/Admiral).

(WestSide Baby bus in Saturday’s WS Grand Parade – look for it at 41st/Alaska today)
STUFF THE BUS FOR WESTSIDE BABY: This is the big kickoff day for WestSide Baby‘s big diaper drive – headquartered today at HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, 10 am-2 pm, but you also can drop off diapers at other spots including local Safeways. If you haven’t already, go buy some diapers and have the fun of bringing them in and helping “stuff the bus.” Or donate diaper-buying $ via text or Web! (41st/Alaska)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET BACK IN THE STREET: After a brief return to its old lot during West Seattle Summer Fest, the WS Farmers’ Market is back in the middle of California SW today between Oregon and California. Same hours as always – 10 am-2 pm.
JUBILEE DAYS CONTINUES WITH PARADE: In White Center, the Jubilee Days festival continues its street fair today on 17th SW between Roxbury and SW 100th and features the annual parade, 11 am-noon on 16th SW, heading north from SW 112th to SW 100th.
MEDITERRANEAN FANTASY FESTIVAL: This longrunning annual festival offers nonstop belly-dancing performances on outdoor and indoor stages at Hiawatha Community Center, 11 am-5 pm, plus vendors. No admission charge. Here’s our Saturday coverage, which includes the schedule link. (2700 California SW)
ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: 1-4 pm, something you can only do on certain summer dates – like today! – visit the historic Alki Point Lighthouse and take a tour with U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers. Last tour departs at 3:40 pm. (3201 Alki SW)
BURGER-EATING CONTEST: The White Center flagship location of Zippy’s Giant Burgers is having one at 2 pm – show up to sign up at 1 pm; details on our partner site White Center Now. (9640 14th SW)
WAIT, THERE’S MORE: As usual, that’s not everything – you’ll see even more on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar.
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