So far, the forecast looks great for the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, now just five days away – 9 am-3 pm this Saturday, May 9th. The online map of the 340+ registered sales went live on Saturday (the screen-grab at right is what it would look like if you zoomed way out) – if you haven’t already seen it, go here, or click the “Garage Sale Day Map” tab above the sidebar on any WSB page. The printable map/sale list (PDF version) is almost ready – we’re still triple-checking those 340+ listings! If you are a seller, your number is the same, of course, on both versions of the map, so let all your friends, co-workers, relatives, etc., know they can find you at #xx. If you haven’t printed a poster already, here’s one (PDF, 8 1/2 x 11) – put it on the board at work, school, wherever, and add a note with your sale number! (Even if you’re NOT a seller, consider sharing a poster – we’ve put up dozens around West Seattle already but we also promote the sale off-peninsula so if you work downtown, Eastside, wherever, you’ve got the opportunity to put up a poster someplace we won’t be able to!)
Some 2015 WSCGSD trivia, from the listings:
*74 listings feature “kid” stuff
*29 listings are for “moving sales”
*13 sales promise treasure(s)
*11 sales will have coffee (including the two multi-seller sites, which ARE coffee shops!)
*8 sales plan to serve lemonade
*6 sales are for “downsizing”
*5 sales list knick-knacks
*2 sales mention ephemera
*2 sales offer tchotchkes
Even if you’re not really looking for anything in particular, what we hear each and every year is that this is a prime chance to get out and mingle with your neighbors – somebody nearby is probably having a sale. Maybe more than one “somebody.”
Tomorrow – more highlights, including, by request, a list of the fundraiser sales!