(Barrow’s goldeneyes, photographed at Lowman Beach by Trileigh Tucker)
Great day and night ahead! Here are some reasons why:
WEST SEATTLE GARDEN CLUB: 10 am-2 pm meeting at Daystar building #3, starting with registration (first program begins at 10:30), bring your lunch – details in our listing. (2615 SW Barton)
GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE: If you can donate blood, consider stopping by PCC Natural Markets-West Seattle (WSB sponsor) 10 am-4 pm today (except for the noon-1 break closure) – look for the bus in the parking lot. (California/Stevens)
FREE LUNCH: 11:30 am-1:30 pm, join Seaview United Methodist Church for the free soup-and-sandwich lunch offered every fourth Friday. (4620 SW Graham)
‘ART FOR FOOD’ FOR WC FOOD BANK: 6-8 pm, an art show at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center to benefit the White Center Food Bank, with wine and cheese, and live music by The Ellis Brothers. Tickets online, here. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
FASHION SHOW @ WEST SEATTLE RUNNER: 7-8:30 pm, styles from Oiselle – a Seattle-owned company! – are on the runway at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor). Discounts, bites, more.
REEL PADDLING FILM FESTIVAL: 7 pm, Mountain to Sound Outfitters presents the film festival’s West Seattle stop at Pershing Hall – details in our preview. (37th/Alaska)
‘BOBCAT BOB’: Live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
CAMP FUNDRAISER WITH WEST SEATTLE BIG BAND: 7 pm at Shorewood Christian Church, the West Seattle Big Band is performing at a summer-camp fundraiser – the night starts with dance lessons at 6 pm. Details in our calendar listing. (10300 28th SW)
‘ANGRY HOUSEWIVES,’ NIGHT 2: 7:30 pm at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), your second chance to see the new production of this “feverishly rompy rock-musical.” (4711 California SW)
‘PICASSO AT THE LAPIN AGILE,’ WEEKEND 2: Twelfth Night Productions presents “Picasso at the Lapin Agile” by Steve Martin, an “Off-Broadway absurdist comedy (that) places Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso in a Parisian cafe in 1904,” 7:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Tickets are available online. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
LOOK INTO THE FUTURE … via our calendar, with more for today/tonight and beyond.