If you are raising … or have raised … a teenager, you know how tough it can be to stay connected. They need some freedom so they can get ready to live their own lives, and yet they also need guidance and support, even in the times they try hardest to shrug it off. To help with navigation of this challenging and important time, West Seattle High School‘s counseling department is hosting an event on Thursday night and inviting the entire community, not just those with WSHS ties:
Dr. Laura Kastner will be our guest speaker, along with Lisa Davidson, Seattle Public Schools Prevention/Intervention Specialist. The evening will first take a look at the latest research and data on drug use in our community (Lisa’s portion) and will be followed by a talk with Dr. Kastner on what we as parents and community partners can do to stay connected to our teens. This will take place on Thursday, April 30th, from 6:30-9:00 pm in the West Seattle High School Theater.
WSHS is at 3000 California SW; the theater entrance is toward the south end of the main building.
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