West Seattle Metro routes that will get money from ballot measure

This afternoon, three votes (by the City Council meeting as itself and as the Transportation Benefit District board, and by the County Council) comprised final approval to the first list of bus routes that will get more service from the money raised by the recent transit-funding measure. In West Seattle, they are:

C Line

The full list of specific increases in service is here. “This is a huge boost to public transportation in Seattle,” declared West Seattle-residing Tom Rasmussen as the TBD meeting wrapped up a few minutes ago.

Meantime, if you’re wondering when we start paying for it – as reiterated when the council met as the Transportation Benefit District Board, the 1/10th of a percent sales-tax increase starts April 1st, and the $60 car-tab fee starts with June renewals.

27 Replies to "West Seattle Metro routes that will get money from ballot measure"

  • jwright February 17, 2015 (4:05 pm)

    The notes for RR C say: “Improve frequency to about: 7-8/12/15/15/12/15”. I assume those are time intervals between runs. I also assume the slashes delineate different periods like weekday peak, off peak, evenings, weekends, etc. but can someone definitively decode? And any idea how many additional RR C trips this would mean?

  • Diane February 17, 2015 (5:08 pm)

    so after all this new taxpayer money, those of us in Admiral still won’t get our all day/night hours back on the 56???
    prior to all the “improvementsâ€, I could walk to the 56, any time, night or day, to go downtown and back; now I have to drive to the junction and park, walk several blocks, to take RR; how is this better???

  • m February 17, 2015 (6:27 pm)

    Sucks to have June tabs.

  • busrider February 17, 2015 (7:15 pm)

    My bus was shrunk from an articulated bus to a shorter bus. Standing room only on typical days. Bring back the longer bus.

  • themightyrabbit February 17, 2015 (7:41 pm)

    seems like the 21/21X, 56,57 arent’ getting significantly more, but note the 5, which the 21 connects to, gets plenty more. WS is getting the shaft as usual.

    m, buy your tabs early.

  • Diane February 17, 2015 (11:53 pm)

    yep, June tabs here also; have to pay $60 more on my 20 yr old car, and what do I get for that? not seeing any more service in my Admiral neighborhood; still need my car to drive to the bus; absurd

  • Colleen February 18, 2015 (7:51 am)

    There seems to be no mention of the splitting of the C and D line – is that still happening?

  • John February 18, 2015 (8:19 am)

    @ Diane,
    It appears that you have outed yourself as a junction park & rider, something that Junction area residents complain affects their quality of living, clogging up their parking.
    Why not just walk to the Junction and leave your car parked at your apartment?

  • squareeyes February 18, 2015 (9:11 am)

    I thought that the C Line was supposed to be extended into SLU as part of this funding. No mention in the document.

  • Amy Thomson February 18, 2015 (9:46 am)

    Dear WSB, any chance you can dig a little deeper about the specifics on the routes? The information is unclear and buried in the document you linked to!
    I love all you do for us West Seattle residents!

  • Diane February 18, 2015 (12:42 pm)

    John; I did not just “out myself as a junction park & riderâ€; ever since nearly all our Admiral buses were taken away 2 ½ yrs ago, I’ve been talking openly about this hardship for Admiral residents in comments, and at every community meeting and with city council members and with KC council and with Metro, and at WS Transportation Coalition, and with the Mayor’s office, and with Commission for Disabilities, openly, daily; this is a huge issue for people with disabilities and the elderly, who can no longer walk long distances
    did you know that most disabilities are invisible? I’ve also talked about that openly in meetings and comments; you make assumptions that are incorrect, and hurtful; not everyone has the physical ability to walk a mile to the bus stop; in fact, I require a seat on the bus; John, you come here every damn day to judge and criticize people based on your agenda; how about some empathy for others?
    most of the time when I see your name on a comment, I skip over and do not read; most of your comments are critical of others, and often hurtful; I made the mistake of reading this one; and as an advocate for seniors and people with disabilities, I felt compelled to respond
    and btw, this is not the 1st time you have alluded in a comment to where I live; kinda creepy/borderline stalkish; please stop; it’s one thing for me to comment about where I live; not ok for you to come here and comment publicly about where I live
    and another btw; I was at the Junction Neighborhood meeting last night, as a regular member, who talks openly about all these issues, and many more re the junction area; it has been pointed out numerous times, street parking belongs to EVERYONE; just because someone is privileged to own a house in the junction, does not give them the privilege to own the street parking
    several of my WS friends who are older and have disabilities have found it necessary to rely completely on car transportation, for some of these reasons, and more; like lack of ADA parking in the junction; thankfully, I am still able to walk a few blocks to take the bus; many cannot even do that

  • D DelRio February 18, 2015 (12:52 pm)

    Does this mean the 21 will still not be going to Arbor Heights? I had a hard time trying to open the link on my Android.

    • WSB February 18, 2015 (1:02 pm)

      Sorry, I had hoped to copy over more of the specifics on each route but just as I was working on this yesterday, a couple other stories burst out of almost nowhere. Anyway, the 21 is only proposed for 100 extra hours, on Saturdays. That’s for this *first* round – I’m not entirely clear on what happens in subsequent rounds – am going to try to find the right person to ask. – TR

  • Born on Alki 59 February 18, 2015 (2:32 pm)

    Great post Diane. I understand the Admiral bus issue, and you are doing exactly what many have been forced to do with the reduction of Admiral service. Some people just ASSume too much without consideration of others needs.

    • WSB February 18, 2015 (4:25 pm)

      We have a few answers courtesy of Anthony in CM Rasmussen’s office – watch for separate item soon. – TR

  • Debra February 18, 2015 (8:18 pm)

    Diane I applaude you, you are so right on, and you have called out the lack of empathy and the bullying that is so often displayed, I am also disabled and the thought that I can just walk a mile to a bus and that everyone is able to do so is myopic at best

  • Debra February 18, 2015 (8:21 pm)

    Want to bet there will be no response, bully’s run and hide when they are called out

  • JanS February 18, 2015 (11:38 pm)

    Diane, and Debra…I hear you. I am almost 68, am disabled, walk with a cane, but otherwise my disability is invisible. I do not go to the junction to take a bus. Period. That means I do not use Metro at all. It is hard for me to navigate stairs on a bus, and they look at me like I’m crazy if I ask for the lift. I frequent First Hill for doc appts., and I drive. Takes me all of 20 minutes one way instead of the hour and a half by going downtown. I still work – at home – and my time is valuable. I don’t have time to try and get to the junction just to get on a full bus to get to a morning appt. And it’s difficult for me to navigate uphill, and that’s what one has to do to get to First Hill.

    Sorry, Metro, you’ve basically lost me as a customer. I suppose they must feel that those in the Admiral District have lots of cash for cars, so don’t really need to take a bus. Arbor Heights gets the same short shrift. Pathetic.

    and, John? Come live my life and maybe, just maybe, your attitude will adjust towards those of us with less means to navigate. Please rest assured that I am not going to come and take your precious junction public parking spot on a public street in front of your house. Some people need to check their privilege !

  • miws February 19, 2015 (5:09 pm)

    I, too, am frustrated with, and weary of, the attitude that suggests that there is an easy solution to anything other people struggle with. There are SO many scenarios where this occurs; whether it’s related to employment, healthcare, housing, poverty, whatever. But I will try to keep this to the points of transit and disability.


    I have disabilities as well. Like Jan, when I am “out and about” I use a cane. This is after a couple nasty falls; one indoors, the other outdoors, back in 2012. Otherwise, my disabilities might seem invisible as well, unless you happen to hear me struggling to catch my breath while walking, and even see me stop to rest (usually several times), while walking with heavy purchases all carried in my left hand, because of the cane in the right hand. I often have to also stop on even the slightest hills, even when empty handed. Sometimes even on the flat, empty handed.


    I don’t have a car, so rely on the bus. I feel extremely fortunate that the Transit Measure passed here in Seattle. With the impending cuts of the failure of the County level Measure, I basically would have been screwed. I’d be in pretty much the same situation as Diane, and it sounds like Debra as well, but without having a car.


    When I was looking to become permanently re-Homed in late 2012, I really lucked out in finding an apartment that I could afford, back in West Seattle, that really, could not serve my current needs better; a one seat ride to/from Harborview, for the average of once a week trips to pick up prescriptions, and/or go to appointments. To have a one seat ride between my apartment, and California Avenue, Morgan to Admiral, and service to get me up the hill from Westwood, to a little less than one of those long blocks Home, or the option on another route, of a bit longer walk from Delridge. I also have many options for patronizing local businesses, within a few blocks radius, on foot.


    With the original proposed Metro cutbacks, I would have lost my ability to shop at the Locally-Owned Thriftway, as Route 128’s east/west routing would have gone further north, (and I would not have had it the worst in that scenario, many elderly/disabled in Highpoint would have been much more greatly inconvenienced, to the point of that inconvenience being truly unacceptable, from an ethical standpoint).


    Much worse for myself than losing the 128, would be the loss of Route 125 (preferred), and Route 60, to get me up the hill from Westwood. The only option would have been route 120. If the routing of the 120 was to stay the same as it is now (don’t recall, for sure) my options would have been to ride the Inbound 120 to Delridge & Trenton, and walk Home to the 16th/17/Henderson/Barton area (most of it uphill to some degree), get off that same bus at 22nd & Barton Place, and walk up the steep hill, (might as well just walk all the way from Westwood), or third option was to ride the outbound 120, and walk from 17th & Roxbury, mostly flat. I already carry my usually heavy purchases from Target, across the Mall, to the bus stop at 25th & Henderson.


    So, yeah, I really think a little consideration needs to be taken, when commenting to other posters’ comments, and not to just assume that it is easy for them to [whatever].



  • Diane February 20, 2015 (3:19 pm)

    thank you so much Mike, JanS, Debra, Born on Alki 59, for your wonderful thoughtful comments; REALLY appreciated

  • John February 22, 2015 (8:58 am)

    Thank you all for the disability info.
    I was addressing unsanctioned ‘park-and-riders’ in the junction, not disabilities.

    These are two separate issues.

    Perhaps you could address the park and ride aspect?

  • miws February 22, 2015 (12:37 pm)

    I was addressing unsanctioned ‘park-and-riders’ in the junction, not disabilities.

    These are two separate issues.

    Perhaps you could address the park and ride aspect?


    John, you indirectly turned the discussion into one regarding disability issues, in claiming that Diane was one of those “Junction Park & Riders”, and assuming she could ? “just walk” around a mile(?), each way, some of it uphill, both ways.

    @ Diane,
    It appears that you have outed yourself as a junction <park & rider, something that Junction area residents complain affects their quality of living, clogging up their parking.
    Why not just walk to the Junction and leave your car parked at your apartment?
    Comment by John — 8:19 am February 18, 2015


    Granted, you were likely unaware of her disabilities, until she was basically forced by you to justify why she can’t “just walk…”.


    She, and a few others including myself, gave you some different perspectives on dealing with various modes of transportation, while dealing with disabilities.


    Hopefully, one or more able-bodied, unsanctioned Junction park and riders will see this, and give their perspective, which will either meet your satisfaction, or will contain points that you can further challenge….



  • John February 22, 2015 (1:48 pm)

    To be accurate, it is not my claim. It is Diane’s statement.

    “I have to drive to the junction and park” Diane

    The issue of drivers clogging the Junction as a ‘park and ride’ destination, whether able bodied or not, is at hand. Many local residents and businesses have already used this forum to complain.

    I would be more happy to read about the sanctioned modes of transportation for those with disabilities.

  • JanS February 22, 2015 (2:36 pm)

    John, the fact of the matter is…they are public streets and anyone can park there when they want. That is the bottom line. It doesn’t really matter if it’s Diane “parking and riding”, or if it’s a junction employee, or if it’s the person who owns the home behind that PUBLIC parking space. It doesn’t matter if they are disabled (unless homeowner has a disabled post in front – but any disabled person can use that), or if they are green aliens or whatever. It’s a public parking spot. If you have a gripe take it up with the city…mention the no parking planned development, which will certainly add to the problem. Advocate for changing daytime parking to 2 hours or less.Advocate for official Park and Rides. But do not blame those who have no other way to get to the downtown core, and that’s how you do it. Bus service is at a minimum in the Admiral District, so there is no other choice. And try parking in my neighbor in Admiral. SW Lander, Admiral Sanctuary area, which has no parking for their functions. Employees and shoppers of Safeway, parking on the street. I have a home based business where I see clients, who cannot find parking close by.. So, do not tell me about your woes. You privilege is still showing.

  • miws February 22, 2015 (4:48 pm)

    John, it is Diane’s statement, because of your accusation that she wa a “Junction park and rider”. All that she was doing was letting you know why she parks there to take the bus, because she is unable to walk that distance.


    What the hell is she supposed to do? Stay Home, and not participate in Community Meetings, including the broader community of the City of Seattle, attending meetings at City Hall, and other Downtown venues? Is she supposed to drive Downtown to attend those? Are you going to pay for her parking to do so? Oh, wait. People aren’t supposed to drive at all.


    But, as Jan says, they are public streets, so anyone can park there, as long as they do so in a legal manner. It sucks, but it’s the reality of living in a large City.


    Why is this issue so burdensome for you?



  • John February 22, 2015 (10:05 pm)

    I support monetizing all street parking. It is the only way to control parking availability.
    You park on the street, you pay. It works everywhere: the Junction, Admiral District, SW Lander, Downtown, you park you pay.
    This would eliminate the call for required parking infrastructure and free people like Mike from paying for something they don’t use.

    You see, the no parking planned development would have no “advantage” with monetized street parking.
    Renters would have their choice; pay and search for street parking or pay for car storage in your housing.

  • Rick February 24, 2015 (11:56 am)

    Oh,the sanctimony.

Sorry, comment time is over.