Hours until Halloween, and pre-Halloween fun is already happening:

(WSB photos by Torin Record-Sand)
West Seattle’s city-run community centers always scare up a long list of Halloween activities (as featured in their quarterly brochure). Today’s Toddler Pumpkinpalooza was for the very-little ones:

Pumpkinpalooza is held annually at High Point Community Center, where costumed cuties spent two hours this morning with crafts and games, and even a bouncy toy:

For older kids, tonight brings Delridge Community Center‘s biggest Halloween event, 5:30-7:30 pm; other centers’ spotlight events were last weekend.
TRICK-OR-TREATING TOMORROW: In addition to neighborhood trick-or-treating, three local business districts welcome you on Friday (The Junction’s trick-or-treating, you probably know, was during last Sunday’s Harvest Festival):
THE ADMIRAL DISTRICT: 3-6 pm Halloween, with participating businesses mostly on Admiral Way and California for a few blocks radiating out from where those streets meet. (Check down side streets including 42nd SW and College, too.)
WESTWOOD VILLAGE: 5-7 pm Halloween, merchants at West Seattle’s only mall (WSB sponsor) are welcoming trick-or-treaters.
WHITE CENTER: 4-7 pm Halloween, businesses around WC’s sprawling business district are planning their biggest event yet. See the list of participants on our partner site White Center Now.
Along with the business-district trick-or-treating mentioned above, several local churches are having Trunk-or-Treat parking lot events and Halloween-alternative festivals. You can see ALL the aforementioned listings – and more, including several All Hallows’ Eve events – by browsing our one-page West Seattle Halloween Guide, which we’ve been updating daily. (Not too late to let us know if anything for tonight, tomorrow, Saturday is missing!)