West Seattle Halloween: Pumpkinpalooza today; trick-or-treating tomorrow…

Hours until Halloween, and pre-Halloween fun is already happening:

(WSB photos by Torin Record-Sand)
West Seattle’s city-run community centers always scare up a long list of Halloween activities (as featured in their quarterly brochure). Today’s Toddler Pumpkinpalooza was for the very-little ones:

Pumpkinpalooza is held annually at High Point Community Center, where costumed cuties spent two hours this morning with crafts and games, and even a bouncy toy:

For older kids, tonight brings Delridge Community Center‘s biggest Halloween event, 5:30-7:30 pm; other centers’ spotlight events were last weekend.

TRICK-OR-TREATING TOMORROW: In addition to neighborhood trick-or-treating, three local business districts welcome you on Friday (The Junction’s trick-or-treating, you probably know, was during last Sunday’s Harvest Festival):

THE ADMIRAL DISTRICT: 3-6 pm Halloween, with participating businesses mostly on Admiral Way and California for a few blocks radiating out from where those streets meet. (Check down side streets including 42nd SW and College, too.)

WESTWOOD VILLAGE: 5-7 pm Halloween, merchants at West Seattle’s only mall (WSB sponsor) are welcoming trick-or-treaters.

WHITE CENTER: 4-7 pm Halloween, businesses around WC’s sprawling business district are planning their biggest event yet. See the list of participants on our partner site White Center Now.

Along with the business-district trick-or-treating mentioned above, several local churches are having Trunk-or-Treat parking lot events and Halloween-alternative festivals. You can see ALL the aforementioned listings – and more, including several All Hallows’ Eve events – by browsing our one-page West Seattle Halloween Guide, which we’ve been updating daily. (Not too late to let us know if anything for tonight, tomorrow, Saturday is missing!)

1 Reply to "West Seattle Halloween: Pumpkinpalooza today; trick-or-treating tomorrow..."

  • sam-c October 30, 2014 (2:38 pm)

    I don’t understand this new trunk or treat business. According to a quick google search, it’s “bring Halloween to parking lots where kids go from car to car and get candy. They’re popular at schools, churches, in rural areas where homes are far apart, and in places where trick-or-treating isn’t safe.”

    It’s not rural here, It seems like it is taking all the fun out of going door to door. here, a quick loop around this parking lot and you’ve got all your candy.

    Those costumed toddlers sure are cute! I wish I didn’t have to go to work, and my toddler weren’t in day care :(

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