Back in August, following up on a reader tip, we reported that SDOT is considering moving the RapidRide C Line route in The Junction onto California between Edmunds and Alaska. At the time, SDOT told us “outreach” was planned in the fall. Now that it’s fall, what’s the status? we asked SDOT’s Marybeth Turner, who replied:
SDOT staff is scheduled to meet with the West Seattle Junction Association on Oct. 22, and the SW District Council on Nov. 5 about California and Alaska, including the needs of cars, buses, and pedestrians.
In November they will mail information to some of the nearby businesses and residents, and talk in person to some of the businesses.
Turner says the recent re-sequencing of the California/Alaska signal (reported here Saturday) is NOT related to this – she describes that as having been done to improve “safety,” and is still working to get us more information from department engineers.
UPDATED P.S., CORRECTING MEETING INFO The aforementioned WSJA briefing is for the group’s membership (businesses in The Junction), but the Southwest District Council meeting is open to everyone, 6:30 pm Wednesday, November 5th, at the Senior Center of West Seattle (Oregon/California).