Thanks to Brigitte for pointing out that September 6th photo shared by NASA as “Picture of the Day” today – a September 6th view of West Seattle from space! (Click the photo for larger, zoomable view that also includes more of the Seattle area.) Back here on earth, here are a few calendar highlights for today:
QUILT SHOW AND LUNCH: Senior Center of West Seattle invites you to lunch at 11:45 am, quilt show at 12:30 pm, details in our calendar listing.
DROP-IN CHESS: For kids and teens. 4 pm at High Point Branch Library. (35th/Raymond)
MEDITATION: The new West Seattle Shambhala Meditation group meets at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 6:20 pm, details here.
NIGHTLIFE: Seven listings on the calendar for tonight – bingo, karaoke, live music, trivia.