(SCROLL DOWN for newest information plus added photos)

(Outage’s cause – truck vs. wires; photo from Jennifer)
FIRST REPORT, 4:20 PM: Jim says power’s out at 37th and 98th. 911 log says “wires down” at 39th/104th. The Seattle City Light outage map is, well, out. If you’ve lost power too, let us know, so we can get an idea of the extent. Also some out in Gatewood – we’ve heard from 41st/Holly.
4:28 PM: As you can see from comments, several southwest-end neighborhoods are out. We’re en route to check out the “wires down” location, and attempting to get information from SCL, since as noted above, the “outage map” itself is out of commission.

4:34 PM: Amanda, in comments, says it appears the “wires down” call at 39th/104th is a trash truck vs. pole crash. We’re adding a photo from Wendy (above).
4:42 PM: Also, if you’re seeing/hearing a helicopter, it’s just TV. Traffic note: Lights out because of this include 35th/Roxbury, per our crew:

(WSB photo: No power at 35th/Roxbury light)
No official City Light word yet and no news on how long it’ll take to fix this.
4:46 PM: Update – City Light says 4,300 homes and businesses are without power. 90 percent of customers will be back on within an hour – some others might take up to seven hours.
6:01 PM: Thanks to everyone reporting their power is back! Anyone NOT back?
7:23 PM: Some in Arbor Heights are still out, per comments, and now the SCL outage map is back, and that’s where it shows about 300 customers still out:

8:24 PM: More power restored! Thank you for the updates. SCL map now shows only a handful left without electricity. If that includes you, please call and make sure they know you are still out.
ADDED 9:36 PM: Jeff B shared photos with a closer look at what happened:

Engine 37 answered the “wires down” call shortly after it happened: