‘Dog Days of Summer’ ahead at Arbor Heights Swim & Tennis Club pool

(Photo courtesy Cori Roed)
Again this year, AFTER Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club closes its pool for the season, before it’s cleaned, dogs are invited to go swimming! The pool at 11003 31st Avenue SW plans five sessions:

Tuesday, Sept. 16th 5-7 pm
Wednesday, Sept. 17th 5-7 pm
Thursday, Sept. 18th 5-7pm
Friday, Sept. 19th 5-7 pm
Saturday, Sept. 20th 10 am-1 pm

No people, just dogs (again, this is AFTER the human swims end for the season) but dog owners must stay at the club while their pets are in the pool. $10/donation per dog or $25/pass for the full five-day run. Complete details are on the official flyer.

5 Replies to "'Dog Days of Summer' ahead at Arbor Heights Swim & Tennis Club pool"

  • Loren September 9, 2014 (7:34 am)

    Absolutely LOVE that photo!

  • Morgan September 9, 2014 (9:08 am)

    This is awesome. Just got the the wait list for the club. Hopefully my dog lives long enough to participate in this by the time we’re finally able to join. 10 years?

  • Michele September 9, 2014 (12:55 pm)

    Morgan – you don’t need to be a member to attend this with your dog. It’s open to all as a fundraiser!

  • Swim, shake, repeat September 9, 2014 (10:27 pm)

    Grateful pups can’t read, there would be no sleep and piles of tennis balls by the door for days. Took 3 mo Lab for first swim here, this will now be his 3rd season! Still planning on plucking him out again this year.. loves pool inspite of little aquatic agility.

    Paws down, the most adored event of the season and a wonderful way to celebrate the final days of summer! Can’t wait to see our paddling pals again and send big slobbery thanks to AHSC for keeping this tradition going. Huge wags!!

  • Cori Roed September 10, 2014 (2:46 pm)

    We’re Starting up on MONDAY to take advantage of the nice weather and to maximize value for the pass!
    Thanks to guards for wrapping up the clean up a bit early.

    Spread the word and see you on the pool deck!

    -Arbor Heights Loves Dogs!

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